Saturday, March 26, 2022

Embarrassing moments while entertaining


Have you ever had one of those moments when you had house-guests and they wanted to see a high-tech, solar-powered, dental drill. You found a dental-drill for them to play with. The group went to  a place where it is safe to test dental-drills. That is when you found out the unit was missing one of the parts.

An important part.

Things happen. Dental-drills need cleaning and lubrication. Soaking parts in kerosene is a time-honored way of cleaning some models. The best way to not lose other parts is to button it back up.

The weather is getting nicer outside. It might be a good time to function-test all of your dental drills.

You don't want to find out that any of your tool(s) are in-op or the batteries are weak when you are in the middle of performing a dozen root-canals.


  1. I just got my snow blower ready for summer.

  2. When spring gets here, the real spring, not the calendar version, I'll dig all the dental drills up out of the 55gal drum of kerosene on the back porch and put the eagle eye all over em. Thanks for the heads up!


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