Monday, March 7, 2022


One of my nieces is currently in Labor and Delivery.

She experienced some health issues three weeks before her due-date. Consequently the team induced labor. "K" is currently dilated to 5cm and is very ready for this to be over.

On a related note, Mrs ERJ will be leaving me, again.

Southern Belle, our daughter in southern Florida is due in the middle of May. Mrs ERJ plans to fly down there (with the benefit of an airplane) about May first and stay for a month.

I was informed that I am expected to put in an appearance. Three days-to-a-week was suggested as about as long as folks can stand me. I expect that to be toward the end of May.

May is actually a decent time for me to be a bachelor. There are tons of things to do around the place so I can stay busy and stay out of trouble.

Meanwhile, Southern Belle is expected up here in about three weeks. That is why we are working on the "guest" bedroom. We expect guests. I am very close to the point of throwing up my hands and saying "Let's paint it. It is about as good as I can get it with my skill level."

Interesting times.


  1. We will just give you a new nick name. How about "Lumpy"? As in Lumpy the Sheetrock Finisher!

    1. Snicker!

      Well, Roger, I have few illusions about the quality of my work. I already ordered three tapestries to hang on the wall. The smaller the slice, the fewer lumps they can see.

    2. I hired Lumpy once. Stupid me fired Lumpy. On that project it was fire resistive joint compound on a 100 foot fire wall. If you have ever tangled with that material you know it is stubborn stuff. At least my wife liked that it made my muscles pop out.

  2. Had two nearly identical houses once up near the ATL airport. I used FIFTEEN buckets of mud finishing the bonus, bath and bedroom in the attic. Professionals did the second house (2 feet shorter) with three. I feel your pain.

  3. Mud is cheap. Professional workman time, nazzomuch.

    Good on ya.

  4. Congratulations ERJ!

    I have found I enjoy my bachelor time a great deal.


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