Saturday, March 5, 2022

Random thoughts on the morning's news dump


The fringes of the Mainstream Media are openly mocking Kamala Harris's inability to accomplish anything.

Tit-for-Tat is the oldest game in negotiating. Graham just told Putin that activating sleeper cells to take out high-ranking politicians is fair-game and in-play.

Pity about old Lindsey. He isn't going to like his new tats.

More like "a bullet dodged" rather than "oh, what might have been)

One of Biden's first acts in office was to cancel Trump's roll-back on insulin prices. I wonder which one of Biden's contributors will get gouged by this and I wonder how many roadblocks will be thrown in front of Civica Rx.

And we can all use a reminder that humans are capable of empathy and mercy. If I were Nike, I would make sure he had Nike apparel for the remainder of his natural life.

I wonder if the woman put the duds on eBay.


  1. ERJ, I saw the Senator's comments. I wonder if he or those that shouted "Huzzah" really grasp of the implications of sitting representatives openly calling for assassinations of anyone. Remove from power, imprison, carefully shepherd off to a deserted island - all good. And if internal forces take care of "the issue", also good. But for a government representative to call for the killing of another government representative? This leads to places no-one wants to go.

    Hopefully Miss Davy enjoys a wonderful life. Fame is not everything.

    And yes, I think we often overlook - perhaps given the world we live in - the fact that good still abounds in the world.

    1. I'm hoping Lindsey enjoys his pellet of ricin. The Russians are better at playing that game than we are.

  2. We here in SC have been trying with little success, to oust Lindsey "Light in the "Loafers" Graham from his seat in the house. Unfortunately, he has a lot of financial and political backing. Went so far as to vote for his democratic opponent in the last election Graham was in.

    1. Graham is a Senator so you only get a whack at the pinata once every six years.

      He is an unusual fellow.

      Not sure I would have been happier with a 51:49 Senate. The even split and Manchin's lack of enthusiasm for embracing full-throated Socialism is the only dike holding back the seas.

    2. I maintain my prediction that bucks the "red wave" narrative and think that the GOP loses seats in both chambers this fall. There is a long way between now and November and clearly the average voter is as susceptible to propaganda as a middle school girl is to marketing.

  3. I wonder if they'll find a reason/ excuse to replace Harris after the midterms. Dems losing both houses could be it, but who would they nominate in her place? And if they lose Congress, would Republicans approve a replacement?

    Don't forget that the Dems margin in Congress is paper thin. The average majority in the House is 30 versus their 4 and the Senate 6 versus their tie... They would have to pull HUGE shenanigans to keep both and I see too many swing districts in states with good election oversight for that to happen.

  4. I am sure Putin needed no reminding of the sleeper cell thing, Joe. He is, after all a survivor of Soviet era politics where the losers regularly got a bullet behind the ear in the basement of the Lubiyanka. Also - putting foreign leaders 'on notice' is not your senator's job. I think he just gaffed... but... if a moron gaffes in a forest of retards... does it make a sound, and will anyone hear it..?

  5. I hate to say it but you don't get rid of Vlad any other way and he knows it. Notice how far he keeps people from him in official pictures? There is no retirement for the Tsar.I doubt there will be any Anastasia to scream in vain.
    Yes Lindsey was a moron to say it out loud.

  6. Meh, politicians are stupid and willing to say anything for airtime... Re the QB, kudos to him!

  7. Hope the insulin works. On many levels.

  8. Agree ref the QB draft pick.

    A MAN, doing MAN things.


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