Work on the windbreak started today. It was a great day to be outside. Partially cloudy and 45 degrees F.
Before |
Mostly cleared out. Wrapped tree in the foreground (leaning to left) is a pear tree. This row of the windbreak is to parallel the side of the barn and continue past the far end. |
The bigger stems that were not to punky were cut into 6 foot lengths and put in one of the barns. |
A freshly planted chestnut tree. Chestnut trees with some Chinese Chestnut (Castenea mollisima) in their genetics make excellent windbreaks because they retain their leaves through most of the winter. |
Intricate, delicate root hairs. That is one reason why five minutes from dug-to-replanted is a great thing. |
Armored against rabbits and other nibbling varmints. I am using "masking paper" this year and am finding it easy to work with. I used newspaper in previous years but no longer have a source of recycled newspapers. |
I had a goal of clearing forty feet of lane and planting three trees. Things went very well and I was able to get seven trees moved. I have another six trees to move to finish the row. I need to buy some more shovels. The cheap shovels from Menards all broke. It looks like they used a couple of brads to hold the handle to the blade rather than a through-rivet. The stem of the blade flexes and the handle, which looks like pine rather than hickory or ash, breaks.
Gratuitous eyecandy
Some of the stems I was cutting were
Staghorn Sumac (
Rhus typhina). I made a knife handle out of the heartwood once. It is soft and brittle but very colorful.
Cut on the diagonal with a chain saw |
A close-up of the cut. |
I don't know if any readers would have a use for this wood. I have it up to 6" diameter and will gladly UPS flat rate it to anybody who might get some use out of it.
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