Monday, July 22, 2013

Oh I'm back in the saddle again, out where a friend is a friend...

Yippy!  I am back up and running.  Literally.

The PT plan morphed.  Most of our family members get off to a better start when we have a three mile walk in the cool of the morning.  So that is a Monday-through-Friday gig for those who are not injured.  The plan is to still run an additional 5 miles every other day.

Two days ago I ran 3 miles to see how I survived the two week idle period.  No problems.

Today I ran another 6.5 + half mile cool down.  Again, no problems.  Temperature was 80 by the thermometer on the swing set.  The daughter's smart phone thought our zipcode was 88 degrees.

Pictures are a mix of today's run and one from a few weeks ago.  This is the Seven Mile run:

This is what 80 acres of radishes looks like. 

Close-up of seedlings.  80 acres is a boat load of radishes.
Hollyhocks growing at old home site.  Home site along left side of the overview photo.  Last year there was an older, Hispanic gentleman living there.  He had a German Shepherd that he was very fond of.  The house was bulldozed and burned this spring.  I don't know what the story is.  But I might liberate some of these hollyhocks to honor the Hispanic gentleman's memory.

"Common" daylilies.  These are sterile triploids and all "common" daylilies are pretty much the same, indestructible clone.
Indestructible but beautiful.  Did I mention that the flower buds are edible and taste like a sweet green bean with a tender, lettuce-like texture?
Pastor Sam rescued me with a couple of bottles of water last summer after I had stupidly started out without enough liquid.  Assembly of Yehweh has some similarities to Seventh Day Adventist.  They worship on Saturday and have "camp".  The rumor on the street is that Pastor Sam is a wickedly good pheasant hunter.
Columbia Wooden Boat Works.  The yard has an awesome stand of cone flowers or Echinacea.
See ya tomorrow.

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