Monday, September 23, 2024

When the cannon fodder DOESN'T follow the script


 Three minute run-time

Yes, I know it is fiction, but we can all use a boost to our moral every now and then.

These guys were all supposed to be dead-meat. The fix was in. The guy (dude in the red beanie) who purchased the guys who were supposed to lose probably bet against them.

The masks worn by the home-team partially blinded them. They could not see threats coming at them from oblique angles.  The masks were intimidating but they came with a cost. There might be a lesson there.

1 comment:

  1. Taking that notion a step further:
    Most people today simply do not have a grasp for how cold and cruel human beings can be. It's not just that they were slaves... that alone would send the bints of today into all atwitter. They were slaves forced to fight, to the death. They were often chosen because they couldn't fight well, they were supposed to be slaughtered. For sport and entertainment.

    We wince at a hard cross-field hit in football, they cheered disemboweling.

    Not only that, one would find individuals who would purchase said sorry sots, pitch them as fierce fighters, and then play a large wager to payout in the event of their death.
    Man will buy another man, make him fight another man against his will, then profit from his death, which was the intended purpose all along.
    ... And today wimmens will stand there w/ brightly colored banners welcoming hatians into their neighborhood... but, but, where's fluffy?!
    No real grasp of the realities of what life has been like lo these last few thousands of years. No real knowledge of history, just some dates and names memorized. Maybe.
    Nope, everything is just going to keep going along just like it always has. They have no concept of change. They can't fathom what is coming. In their defense, they're not capable of imagining it. This scene posted is fiction you see! It didn't really happen like THAT... Ask any of 'em, they'll tell you. They've all got degree's now.


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