Monday, September 30, 2024



I am getting ever-more frustrated with the media.

What, pray tell, do they think "the government" should be doing?

The line of reasoning is that people think of the government as an insurance company or a bank. The government auto-deducts tax money and people think it is sitting there for emergencies like this.

News flash: That money is GONE. To be more accurate, like a shopping junkie is living on new credit-cards granted by gullible lenders.

The government does not restore power. Linemen hired by utilities do. There are a finite number of them and there is a boat-load of issues to sort out.

Food? Water? Meds? Fuel? You are better off calling a friend outside of the most severely damaged areas and asking them to make a 400 mile round-trip mercy run.

Another headline

Southwest/Southeast: What is the difference?

Mainstream Media is riddled with factual and grammatical errors. The lack of care is painful to read.

Yes, I know that I also make errors but I do not get a paycheck and I try to acknowledge when I am presenting speculative material. Heck, it is a blog. You EXPECT opinions.


  1. Feed a stray cat and it stays awaiting the next meal.

    It expects, NO IT DEMANDS its next meal.

    And politicians get their votes by making it a "Right" that the cat gets fed.

    Breads and circuses my friends. Keeping the Demos of democracy voting for more "free stuff ".

    Who said "When the people learn they can vote money from the public purse our. Republic is doomed "

    Wh are there folks

    Protect your trusted friends and trusted family.

    Far better than gold.


  2. The sad part is the media and people working in the field have been convinced (by the college professors) that their job is no longer to present facts agnostically and allow the viewer to make their own decision. They are quite comfortable admitting that it is their right, nay, their task, their God given role (if they believed in God), to influence the direction of the world for the greater good, by massaging the message until it relays the correct (for them) meaning.
    No, literally, I remember it being pushed around lo maybe 20 years ago? I believe it was the climate hysteria at the time... but impressionable minds with Journalism degree tracts were instructed to no longer be impartial. They were told it is their duty, to future generations, to combat this (insert problem topic to distract the people with here)... and through their efforts a brighter future will shine on every generation.
    Literally brainwashed by communists in college, out in the open for everyone to see. They still do it today, ask any of them. They are not to be impartial.
    That's one of the issues that is broken, and our nation will not be fixed until it is. You can't try to cheat as hard as the other guy and hope it balances everything out. Not how life works.

  3. I am at total loss as to which is worse, government or media, and which should be completely defunded first.

    Since they seems to be joined at the hip, with the only question "which way are they facing," I'll vote for defunding them both. Immediately.

    Media is "private" so they can be defunded by just not buying the papers or watching their shows, we can solve the government problem by refusing to fund them with taxes.

    Neither has any redeeming value, social or otherwise.


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