Friday, September 20, 2024

Martial Law as it might be applied by the Progressives

In spite of conservative's fears of blue-helmeted thugs going door-to-door to collect tools needed for self-sufficiency and for self-defense, I DON'T think that is what the Progressive's most common implementation of Martial Law will look like.

May I humbly submit that we saw Progressive, Martial Law in the recent past. One definition of Martial Law reads: 

The law imposed on an occupied territory by occupying military forces. 

The Antifa camps in Portland and other cities and the pro-Palestinian occupations of college campuses this past year were arguably Martial-Law administered by Progressive proxies.

Not convinced? Military and law enforcement personnel are allowed a great deal of latitude and vastly diminished accountability during Martial-Law. Civil rights like freedom of passage and freedom from search-and-seizure are suspended. There are very few checks-and-balances on their actions and they can act with near-impunity. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

From the Progressive perspective, those adventures worked great and had very little blow-back and I would expect them to double-down.

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