Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Personal Letter to President Trump

Most Honorable President Trump:

I don't have a lot of ways to reach out to you due to the number of filters that prevent observations from "the little guys" like me from cluttering up your radar screen. So apologies in advance for using my blog to drill through through those filters.

Your campaign recently sent a questionnaire to my house asking about the issues that were most important to us as individuals.

It is my impression that the questionnaire was poorly constructed and will give you misleading information. Fortunately, I have other options than the questionnaire.

Most important MORAL issue:

The most important MORAL issue in our household involves the protections afforded to the unborn and newly-born and to the mothers who are confronted with horrible choices. The trend seems to be towards "the abortion pill" which results in the mother "miscarrying" at home and having to deal with the emotional trauma of disposing of the body of her unborn baby. SUICIDE is the number one cause of maternal mortality in the US! There are also the risks of hemorrhaging and sepsis because she is not in a hospital. All of those issues are swept under the carpet by those who see the "right" to kill your own baby as a sacrament.

Can you imagine the horror of completing the abortion and looking down into the bowl of your toilet and seeing your dead BABY floating in it? Then add the biological effects of the crashing blood-estrogen levels and you have everything you need for a total, emotional train-wreck! It is happening across our country hundreds of times every day.

The SECOND most important MORAL issue in our household involves irreversible procedures and hormones that are administered to young people for the purpose of "transitioning" their gender.

Those hormones and procedures are irreversible and the patient is far too young to understand the far-reaching impact of those drugs and procedures. We used to recognize "cutting" as a sign of mental illness. Now hospitals charge insurance companies to "cut" patients as therapy and some medical practitioners badger their patients to transition.

The most important PRACTICAL issue:

The most immediate PRACTICAL issue is the crime-rate. My dentist practices in Lansing, Michigan. I dread having to go there twice a year due to the rampant crime committed by known, frequent-flier thugs who SHOULD be behind bars or deported to their country-of-origin. 

Medical centers/hospitals are also in cities. If I have a heart-attack or stroke, I have to go to one of those hospitals. The big deal is that my wife will insist on visiting me. I dread the day when she has to park in a huge, hospital parking ramp and walk through the dark to the elevators in the far corner. She is an easy target for mugging. She is petite and not as young as she used to be. She will be distracted because she will be worrying about me.

The SECOND most important PRACTICAL issue are the skyrocketing prices. Inflation is like compound interest. As painful as the inflation of a single year might be, it is the compounding effect that is crushing. Huge amounts of money is pissed down rat-holes like Ukraine, supporting illegal immigrants who don't desire to work, student-loan give-aways, "subsidized" housing and other benefits that create disincentives to young people to people who should be upgrading their skills and working for better pay-checks. 

Printing money (electronically) and borrowing money to cover those costs creates inflation. The way to tame inflation is to stop pouring money down the rat-holes.

Executive Summary

On your first day in office, I want to see an Executive Order mandating that at least two counseling sessions be required before "the abortion pill" is obtained from the Pharmacy to provide some warning or protections against suicides. The sessions must be one week apart.

On your first day in office, I want to see an Executive Order that STOPS all "gender affirming surgery" and "irreversible hormone therapies" on minors younger than 18 years-old. It does not matter if it is done with the parent's consent. It is not the parent's body parts that are being removed.

On your first day in office, I want to see Executive Directives to the Department of Justice to pursue "WOKE" Prosecutors and Judges who legislate from the bench and deliberately refuse to enforce laws and thereby put innocent, productive citizens at risk.

On your first day in office, I want you to issue an Executive Order mandating that any illegal alien who is convicted of felony or any misdemeanor that would prevent the purchase of a firearm (by a citizen) be automatically deported to their country of origin. As an addendum to that Executive Order, I want to see language that freezes Federal funding of State Justice functions if there is credible evidence that they are NOT complying with the Executive Order.

On your first day in office, I want you to issue a "freeze" on weapon and funding transfers to Ukraine pending Executive review. I also want you to privately inform Israel of a ramp-down in support so they can negotiate with all-due-haste. One must never enter into a war in Asia unless one has a well defined exit-strategy. A ramp-down time-table will help Israel focus on their exit strategy.


  1. Close the border and deport as many of the illegals already here and you would go a long way towards solving the crime issue....

  2. On your first day I want you to fire everyone at the FBI and Department of Justice higher than the janitors.

  3. So if my recollection is that SCOTUS said abortion was a state issue, your first EO would be unconstitutional. I'm also not a fan of the executive branch doing by fiat what Congress has chosen not to address even when I agree with your intentions.

    1. I am not arguing this with a great deal of conviction but I think the FDA is responsible for the "conditions" around the dispense of prescription drugs. For example, they can force a manufacturer to add "Black Box" warning on the box.

      The mandatory counseling would be a special kind of black-box warning. If they really wanted to drive home the point, they could require a test reviewing the material after the counseling.

  4. Add in the requirement that malfeasance of any kind by any federal law enforcement requires forfeiture of any job prospects and retirement benefits. Period.

    Second day on the job remove "qualified Immunity" and require personal liability responsibility of law enforcement personnel.


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