Saturday, September 21, 2024

From the comments

Glen Filthie commented:

Well I dunno, Joe. You're probably right as far as ya go. My fear is as the wanks are putting it on Blab: "if you don't stand up today against the evil taking root... your kids won't be able to tomorrow..."

There's a lot of "cuck christianity" going on out there where they flap off a few verses of scripture that proves God approves of their craven natures, they sit on their hands and they get carried off with the world, spouting scripture all the way.

What are the odds that at least a few of the "wanks...on Blab" work for TLAs (Three Letter Agencies) and are fishing for idiots? My guess is that it is a number larger than "zero".

I can sense your frustration and/but nuance is very, very important when discussing these kinds of things in a public forum. Above all, as the people with above-room-temperature IQs, we have a responsibility toward the morons living in Hawaii who might be tempted to fly 4862 miles and try to shoot somebody on the eastern seaboard.

With regards to not acting before the situation is dire; there are reasons.

For example, two enablers that are not in-place are lack of actionable-intelligence which almost always comes from "inside", and a lack of appreciation among the general population that snitches-get-funerals.

For the first enabler to happen, people inside of organizations (NGOs importing job-lots of difficult to assimilate people, nameless-cogs toiling inside of the machine to elect "The Right People", stooges in the revolving-door justice departments) need to have a lightning-bolt on the way to Damascus moment and realize they have been betrayed. That is when they go to the bar, have a few too-many and start naming names, addresses and schedules. We are not there, yet.

The thing about snitches is that when Cletus, Vernon and Billy-Bob take care of business...they will be ratted out. Snitches are sure that they are being virtuous. A certain amount of Darwinian selection needs to happen before C,V&BB throw a long enough of a shadow such that formerly-anonymous bureaucratic cog must seriously consider the cost-benefit ratio of mindlessly performing their assigned duties.

Given our current trajectory, we will get there. And I am sure there are other "enablers" that I didn't mention. Maybe one worth mentioning is the willingness of the general population to "shield and support" persona non grata.

Give us time. We WILL become Mexico or Sicily.

1 comment:

  1. Blab is undoubtedly a honey pot for CSIS, the FBI, CIA, MI6, the Mossad and gawd only knows who else. Idiots, lunatics and kooks abound. There are also Patriots, Christians, and amicable stubfarts and even the odd intellect. It is what it is. It should be the best social platform in America… what with the first amendment free speech strictly enforced…but most Americans seem to prefer the platforms with the clowns, the nannies, censors, and supervised safe places. I don’t get it.

    If we’re going to spout scripture and be holy… the bible tells you to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s… but you are not to bow down to him. I’m not saying you’re doing that, God doesn’t talk to me and I don’t claim to understand His intent. If you want to say He’s on your side - I am good with it… but the Bible is not a suicide pact. That’s all I know for sure.

    Joe, there is never a ‘good time’ to go to war. You’ll never have enough resources, actionable intel, people, etc etc. You’ll never have the army you want, sometimes all you can do is go with the one you have. In fact, if we are going to get theoretically tactical and kinetic - the argument could be made that now is the perfect time to “go”. Consider: the other side is led by guys that wear dresses, molest children and don’t know which bathroom to use. They’ve started wars in every corner of the world and lost them all. They’re badly losing at least two as we speak. Their military is collapsing under the weight of affirmative action, political correctness, feminism and incompetence. Not to fed-poast on your blog; I am speaking totally hypothetically.

    All we can do is what we can do. If things get stupid and go for a chit we will undoubtedly hang separately and I will undoubtedly go first. Age before beauty and all that rot - I am good with it. I am a miserable old bastid with a terminally bad attitude, and you are a family man with responsibilities. It is only natural that we see things differently.

    Something stupid this way comes; we will want the best tards out front to meet it when it comes.


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