Sunday, September 22, 2024

Apple cider and canning pears

I paid $6.99 for a gallon of apple cider at the local Quality Dairy.

The lady behind the counter assured me it was a bargain because it was made from Golden Delicious apples.

A canner load of 7 quarts is about 20 pounds of fruit-in-the-skin.

I am using it to steam pear-quarters. The apple-crop got away from me and I am fiddling with using Chojuro and Korean Giant for "pear-sauce". I would rather use apple juice than water in the bottom of the kettle.

Pears have a different flavor profile than apples. I am going to use more ginger than cinnamon (I use ZERO ginger for apples) and might add some citric acid or Fruit Fresh to add some zip. There is even an off-chance I might add some cardamon which is another "warm" spice. The zany, left-field part of my mind is even thinking of using some star anise...but that will be later.

I quartered the pears, something I don't bother doing with apples. I don't know how much grit will make it to the final product.

I also have four kabobs of pork cubes in the broiler while Mrs ERJ is off at a Bridal Shower (not for her). 

Waiting in the wings, I have a branch of Kieffer pears earmarked for a friend who craves the Pear Preserves he remembers from his youth. While there are many recipies on the internet (with surprisingly little difference between them), I reached out to ensure that my efforts came close to his memories.

This is an evolving process.

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