Sunday, September 22, 2024

A few trail-cam pictures


While walking about the property Zeus found an enormous "woodchuck" hole. The hole is to the right of the tree trunk in the picture. I was curious to see what animals were using it.

Looking at time-stamps I think this photo and the one above it are just two raccoons but it could be three in total.

This one showed up fifteen minutes later.


The night before all I had on camera were deer. Based on the size of the ears relative to their heads, these are probably fawns.

Based on the plumbing, My guess is that this is mama. She is still producing milk and her ribs are showing through her coat even though "flash" tends to wash-out subtle details. She is a very skinny girl!

Another view of Skinny Girl. Her hocks really stick out and skew inward.

1 comment:

  1. The last time I saw a doe that skinny I thought she was sick. I had just filled the feeder and she was doing her best to empty it. A couple of minutes later she had three fawns standing around her. I was impressed that she managed to keep all three of them alive.


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