Tuesday, September 3, 2024

An Gratuitous Exercise in Math and Technology

This video has been making the rounds. It is presumably of Venezuelan gang-members running amok in an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado. You can see everything important in the first 15 seconds.

There are some quirky things about this video. For one thing, they push the door open and walk right in after making a phone call. Maybe the apartment is a retail outlet for an undocumented pharmaceutical distribution center? It is telling that that the door is opened from the inside for the thugs (10 second mark) and that (Pink Purse) is facing away from the people in the apartment three seconds after the door starts to open.

I sent this video to one of my friends who used to be in-the-business and he identified Pink Purse as the guy-in-charge based on the fact that the first people to show up were aimlessly milling around. Only Pink Purse moved with purpose.

He also noted that they didn't-have-a-clue. If they were actually entering hostile territory (i.e. another gang's dealer) that they would likely take several casualties. That is circumstantial evidence that they were entering "friendly" territory.

His "read" is that the second scenario (below) is what went down.

Four scenarios

  • A visit to a "friendly" pharmaceutical distribution center by "management"
  • A visit to a competitor's pharmaceutical distribution center. Dude on phone was pretending to arrange a buy to get the door open.
  • A home invasion (which is how all of the news outlets are packaging it)
  • Intentionally recorded for "recruiting purposes" by the "gang".

The scenario that the rest of this post considers is the third scenario, a home-invasion...even though I sincerely doubt this is what really happened.


Lock your doors. Make them work to get inside of your home. Time is your friend.

Don't sell drugs

Drugs (and lots of cash) attract the kind of people you don't want to attract.


It is mathematically possible to have three cameras in the hallway and it is almost trivial for video-cards and software to precisely map, in 3D-space, the geometric centers of warm objects like faces.

Inside of the apartment, it is also trivial to mount an Infrared emitting LED near the front-sight of a firearm's barrel and use cameras to locate it in 3D-space.

(Assumptions about elevation can be made and to reduce the number of cameras...but why? They are cheap)

A gifted 7th grader can do the math to determine where lines originating from the LED on the barrel and terminating in the middle of the faces will intersect in the plane of the door-or-wall.

It is also fairly trivial to program a projection TV to paint 1" diameter dots (of various colors) on the plane of the door and/or wall and illustrate that intersection. Were a besieged home-owner to employ a semi-automatic rifle with the appropriate ammo, he/she could send 5 shots down-range in less than 2.5 seconds with a very-high probability of hitting each of the five potential assailants in their face.

Or, if you are worried about deflection due to the barrier posed by the wall or door, the software could specify an impact point on the target 300 millimeters below the center of the face. That would hit the target about 2" below their nipples which is a wider target and less subject to whipping around.

The lag-time between the actual location of the targets and the display would probably be about 1/15th of a second.

Of course, if you dump five gang-dudes in five shots you need to de-camp pronto and become invisible. You also need to contact your lawyer NOT USING YOUR CELL PHONE so he/she can run interference with the "justice" monopoly. Getting sucked into the system would expose you to incarceration and retribution from other gang-members.

Closing observation

Is it possible that the media is about to toss the Dems beneath the bus?

I know this flies in the face of everything EVERYBODY know, but is it possible that the mainstream media suddenly realized that the Democrat's main offering is not a choice bit of sizzling filet mignon but is a steaming pile of dog feces? Maybe they realize that if the Second Amendment is optional, then so is the First Amendment.

This would have been a very easy video to "disappear". But they didn't disappear it. That is puzzling. Everybody loves to bet on the winning pony.


  1. One man’s trivia is another man’s enigma. And I haven’t seen any 7th graders capable of doing the foregoing, though my kids swim team is replete with them. Yet I feel I could slap it together if someone wrote “An Engineer’s Guide to How to Blast Suckas in the Face for Dummies.” With such a pamphlet, I have the funds to purchase the components - just not the savvy to Jerry-rig it!

    1. It depends on how the problem(s) are posed.

      I think the top half of 7th graders could solve the 2-D version in X-Y.

      I think those same students could also solve the Z (height) version especially if they were told to hit the target at 48" in elevation.

      The beautiful thing about Cartesian coordinates is that they are orthogonal (uncoupled) and can be solved one dimension at a time.

  2. I'm with this being a recruiting video or otherwise a setup - everything I've seen about retail outlets like this says they have outside security and wouldn't open doors for slow movers with long guns in.
    P.S. A cop I know has been told biker gangs are heading there to "fix the problem". I'm curious what will make the news...

    1. There are no biker gangs coming to save us from the Venezuelan gangsters. That is only wishful thinking.

      The Aurora cops do not want to confront gangs. They are out matched in weapons and manpower. Thes know they would lose, and their upper-level managers would throw them under the bus.

      More likely the local politicians and police force will make accommodations with the gangs.

      This has been the system used in Chicago for the last 150 years. Now coming to a "sanctuary city" near you.

      Yes, I believe this video was a recruiting production.

  3. The recent decision by certain media outlets to no longer be the mouthpiece for the government is interesting. Another notion is that they are acting on behalf of their masters, but the tune changed. Regardless, the fact that it was decided in one day to dump the old sack of potatoes and inaugurate the queen of kneepads, is too obvious of an inversion to miss. Things like that are processes, take time. Something happened over a weekend, and poof!! All of a sudden he IS senile and incompetent, and she isn't a cackling baffoon. I mean, I've seen some guys change their tune about a girl on a Friday night, but that opinion rarely survived Saturday morning.

  4. I am also suspicious on how quickly the media has changed their attitude in promoting only the Left. I wonder if they are becoming aware that the media was being perceived as propaganda, not news anymore. And didn't seem to care if the public noticed or not. CNN has surprisingly had a few guests on panels that are against the Left narrative. I'm pretty sure this is only a short trend and the old Communist News Network will be back to their old tricks.

  5. The MSM is owned by the same cabal calling the shots from behind the curtains. Toss the dems under the bus? No matter, unless things have changed "who" counts the votes will be the decider just like it was in the 2020 Presidential election.

  6. The software for image detection is free to download and not especially complex to run. A local highschool robotics team built a chess-playing robot that used image detection from a fixed camera to identify moves by the human and control the arm making it's moves.

  7. I live by the motto, “Trust nothing you see or hear. If it’s in the mainstream media, assume the truth is the exact opposite until you fact check it…”

    And I fell for this one without a second thought. I assumed it was a home invasion. Good catch, you guys. 👍


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