Thursday, September 19, 2024

A few pictures


A Szego hybrid chestnut tree. It is time to start knocking the chestnuts down so I can beat the deer to them.

Schlarbaum hybrid chestnut

The bees that are squatting in my trap hive

Forest floor degraded by extreme deer pressure. The trees along the right side of the frame are apple trees and the one in the background, slightly left-of-center is an oak.

I am tempted to install a deer-exclusion fence for a bit of this area just to see how much change happens. I saw some deer exclusion enclosures at the Crockery Creek Nature Area in Ottawa County and the differences were striking. The enclosed areas were not very large, maybe 15' by 30'.

This image is from Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The area was fenced for 4 years and growth is from the native seed-bank or from plants that were smoldering-in-place being released from deer pressure.

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