Saturday, September 14, 2024

Day Two of House-shopping

The first house of the day was in Charlotte. It was head-and-shoulders above the one we looked at yesterday.

The interior was squeaky clean. Neighbors were friendly and lots of kids.

One point in its favor is that the current owner is a cop based on the decorations. Frankly, the house is much nicer than my first house. Downsides were a lack of a bathroom on the second story and a lack of closets.

The next house was in Potterville. It had a beautiful back yard. The rooms were shaped funny and drainage on the south side of the house was back-sloped. Southern Belle and Handsome Hombre did the entire checklist themselves while I went walk-about with Quicksilver.

They treated me to lunch at a local restaurant. The corner of the restaurant where we sat was permeated with the smell of urine...feline urine would be my guess. I don't know if it was a customer or part of the facility.

Either of those two houses would be OK. Given their price-range and what they have saved for a down-payment, they will have to figure out what is important to them as a family and make trade-offs.


  1. The upside of no bathroom on the 2nd floor is no possibility of a two story tall leak with all the attendant water damage. Lack of closets is a bigger deal, at least to me.

  2. The Europeans and Japanese put closets in their rooms... if there is room. I'm sure IKEA has a very large number of closets.

  3. Closets and storage space are needful for me. Space for additional shelving would suffice.
    Southern NH

  4. A ward robe closet will take care of a minimal amount of clothing. Seasonal clothing can be stored in large ziplock bags and then stored in bins slid underneath beds.

  5. Abortion, its a hate crime


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