Friday, September 6, 2024

Mrs ERJ left me....

Mrs ERJ left me with a full tray of ice-cubes in the freezer, fifteen breakfast burritos in the fridge and instructions to not go to Lansing, use the chain-saw, climb ladders or to go to Charlotte (except for Sunday Mass) before she returned.


Guess who caught the cold Quicksilver had. Yep. Me.

Guess whose family has a big to-do up-North this weekend. Yep. Mine.

Guess who isn't going.  Me and Zeus, that is who.

Last night Zeus was bouncing around after I let him out of the kennel. I try to not speak ill of my children, but they thought it was hilarious to teach the German Shepherds jump up and put their front paws on their (the kid's) shoulders. We spoke sternly to them, but one in particular resisted our guidance and the habit was deeply ingrained in the two dogs.

Zeus is still a jumper. MOSTLY he misses and it is for-show. But sometimes he misjudges and makes contact with his human. That is why collecting Zeus from the kennel is my job and not Mrs ERJ's job. Mrs ERJ weighs about 55kg dripping wet with a pocket full of change.

Anyway, Zeus is over ten years old and the muscles and tendons are not quite as springy as they used to be. He pulled something in his right-rear quarter or lower back last night.

We gave him an entric-coated aspirin last night and he was better in the morning but Mrs ERJ (God bless her) was still concerned that Zeus might die while we were up-North. She strongly considered abandoning the mission for this weekend. That would have been sad because Southern Belle and Quicksilver were carpooling with us and that would leave them with a long ride and they would also likely bail (even though their room was paid for).

Fortunately, I was able to talk sense into her. I took Zeus to the vet and we left with 10, 75mg Carprofen tablets. I offered to stay home and care for the dog so all of the hens could go north and have a wild time eating desserts and talking until 3:00 in the morning.

She wavered...and then she folded. She just pulled out of the driveway.

She left me with a full tray of ice-cubes in the freezer, fifteen breakfast burritos in the fridge and instructions to not go to Lansing, use the chain-saw, climb ladders or to go to Charlotte (except for Sunday Mass).

The arrangement works out well for me. The cold is leaving me low-energy and I can plod around the house and get a few things done. I will NOT have to spend 6 hours in the vehicle. They will return sometime Sunday afternoon.

Mrs ERJ is much more social than I am. She will come back energized and I will undoubtedly hear about every conversation that occurred at the event. It is sort of like M.A.S.H 4077th TV show. The Korean War was "Hot" for three-years and one month. The TV show, M.A.S.H. 4077th was produced for eleven years and has been available as re-runs for the intervening forty years for a grand total of 51 years or about 17 times longer than the actual conflict.


  1. Jeez, I thought from the title of this poast that the old lady had regained her sense of sight and smell, HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘

    The best cure for cold and flu is prevention. Grandma Filthie’s Highball is two vitamin C’s, one E, and one D - every morn. You can add others depending on your personal aches and pains. Did she leave you any money, Joe? I’d take the opportunity to gorge on forbidden foods like beans, pickled eggs, and other manly treats and indulgences. When they get back - blame the smell on the dawgs.

    You could have an awesome weekend if you’re not careful…๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. She put extra eggs and garlic in the burritos

  2. When my Wife and Daughter go on vacation, my Son and I have a quiet time off from the ladies. Lots less talking and drama. Its peaceful. All of us enjoy the break from one another.

  3. Pediatric ibuprofen syrup is dosed right for dogs. A girlfriend was paying $40 every 10 days for doggie ibuprofen. I looked at the script and with a little algebra came up with 7 drops for a 60# dog. There are various strengths of pediatric syrup. Do your own algebra but cheap, cheap, cheap!

    Sorry, Scottish heritage.

  4. Carprofen can have some very serious side effects in dogs including organ damage and even death. I believe it hastened the death of my Pyrenees.


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