Thursday, November 9, 2023

Quicksilver loves cows


Quicksilver is enchanted by animals. She loves dogs and squirrels and cows.

The video shown above is about five minutes long and the narrator speaks French the entire time.

Lovely country. The scale of the operations in the region resonate with me and so does the mix of livestock and row-crops.

Lovely cows.

Lovely lass and I don't mean that in a lascivious way. She is a healthy, functional human-being who is very at-ease with the cattle.

Blurb from the farm's website:

At the heart of our farm, the biodiversity of our land is essential, it allows balance in this agro-system.

Flora Cattle are herbivorous animals, their ration consists mainly of the flora that surrounds us. It thrives in this healthy environment, far from the great civilizations and pollution. The pastures are natural meadows where only the passage of animals is possible because of the steep slope. There is therefore less compaction due to agricultural machinery and little fertilizer input, which leaves room for a beautiful diversity of plants and flowers that will play their role in the taste of the meat. The fodder given during the winter period comes mainly from our hay meadows, which also have a beautiful flora because there is little passage of tractors and fertilizers and no pesticides.

Fauna: Be discreet, attentive and you will see them, small and big wild beast shares these mountains in harmony with our farms. The deer come discreetly to graze with the cows and rest in winter in the undergrowth of the pastures. Look up at the sky, see the ballets of kites and other large birds of prey that feed on rodents that pest our meadows, just like foxes. Hear the various birds singing in the hedgerows, crickets and grasshoppers quivering in the tall grass, frogs croaking in streams and wetlands in rainy weather. Underground is a world that works tirelessly, deconstructing dead matter to give plants the means to structure themselves. And let's not forget the butterflies, bumblebees, bees... without whom all this would not be possible. This is how we all go in a cycle of life in these grasslands, a cycle that we respect and protect

Dinner Nov 8, 2023

Microwaved sweet-potato.

Steamed green-beans, tilapia and shredded cabbage. Each with their own layer in the steamer. The tilapia was $10 a pound (OUCH!). I sliced it into "worms" and dredged it through lemon-pepper seasoning. Next time I will put the cabbage on the bottom, then the beans and finally put the fish on top.

It is easy to overcook fish. Cooking in the steamer setup is pretty much bullet-proof.


  1. Dinner sounds amazing. My Wife and Daughter have been experimenting using an air fryer. I am happy to be the taste tester of their recipes.

  2. Thanks for the video, ERJ and the link. Good people doing good things literally.


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