Monday, April 27, 2020

Purvis Nursery: Supplier to Connoisseurs of ultra-hardy fruits

One of the unexpected bonuses of the cool, slow spring is that nurserymen are still in the process of grafting stock for sale next year.

This is does not come into play if you buy your fruiting trees from huge concerns like Starks or Adam County Nursery but it can be a major benefit if you buy from smaller mom-and-pop nurseries.

Today, I want to talk about Purvis Nursery in Homedale, Idaho. The great news is that he is still taking orders for trees to be delivered for Fall-2020 or Spring-2021 season. He can be reached by email at purvisrc (at sign)

Bob Purvis spent almost twenty years in the Anchorage, Alaska area. Then he moved to Idaho to support the orchard industry. Then a few years in Minnesota then back to Idaho.

Bob's passion is stone fruits....apricots, plums, peaches and such. But his true love is Apricots. Seems like quite a stretch, doesn't it? Apricots, source of nectar and the icon of sun-drenched California and mid-Eastern hills being the passion of somebody who lives in Alaska, Idaho and Minnesota?

All progress in human history is due to the unreasonable person. The reasonable person looks at things the way they are and sees a million reasons why they cannot change. The unreasonable person looks at what could be.

Looking at Apricots in his catalog, I see forty varieties from places like Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Wisconsin, Ontario, Manitoba, Colorado Rockies, California and Illinois. Many of these selections have the added bonus of sweet, almond-like pits!

I see forty-five Plums in his catalog. Some are the "Japanese" type and others are the Prune-type plums. You want plums that can shrug off -40F or -50F? Bob Purvis has them.

He also has some killer pear and apple varieties.

If you have a yen for those kinds of fruits...Apricots, Plums and Pears but always assumed that your climate was too hostile to ever grow them...send Bob an email in the next week or so. He will probably be willing to custom graft some trees for you that will exceed your expectations. Or you can call him on his cell phone

---NOTE: I will add to this post later---

1 comment:

  1. The climate here is tough on fruit trees for sure. But browsing deer are even tougher. My pear trees were once again reduced to sticks protruding from the ground.


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