Thursday, January 11, 2018

Utility Right-of-way Update

The snow is melting and things are wet, wet, wet.
This is what the right-of-way looks like now.
They used a bobcat with a shredder on the front.  I can only imagine what happened.

I know there is a lot less barbed wire along the fence than there was.  I bet that was a treat to untangle from the shredder.

Maybe I don't need to imagine what happened.  Gouges and chunks missing from the side of this Tee post.

They trimmed this Swamp White Oak and I appreciate the restraint they showed.
A load of shredded brush was delivered.  Thanks, Wright Tree Service.  This photo is from a couple of days ago.  The snow is gone.
I paced off the right-of-way and it is about 130 paces long.  I will be able to squeeze in about 70 hazelnut seedlings.  The nice thing about hazelnuts in this application is that they are bushes and they will not mind getting leveled every ten years.

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