Wednesday, December 4, 2019

An entertaining website, in a shiny gum-wrapper way

I Like Big Bytes (and I cannot lie)

People who work in Eaton County, Michigan come from the following places
The site is fairly easy to navigate. Press PLAY to animate the info-graphic. You can animate where the residents of that county commute to work or where people who work in that county reside.

The site lists the animated data in tabulated form at the bottom of the page.

The site defaults to commuters who commute between twenty miles and one hundred miles.
Oakland County, home of the Shekel
Macon, Tennessee.home of Knuckledraggin
Shasta, California home of the Daily Timewaster
Cuyahoga, Ohio.home of Dad's Deadpool
Cook County, home of Home on the Range and, almost Middle of the Right
New York, New York, just because


  1. Interesting site, thanks for sharing Joe.

  2. Thanks for the shout-out. Glad to hear Belladonna flipped her tassel. Make sure you get a battery tender for the tractor.


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