The Eaton Rapids Public Library has a loaner sewing machine. ^^ <--- my surprised eyebrows. Who knew? Makes all the sense in the world, if you think about it a bit. The Quilting Guild welcomes come-as-you-are drop ins. |
Some of the Eaton Rapids Quilting Guild.
They meet in the Eaton Rapids Public Library on Mondays.
I met them after Mrs ERJ broomed me and the dogs out of the house. She was going into "White Tornado" mode for Christmas cleaning.
The quilters consented to my taking pictures of some of their projects. This fine lady informed me that the runners of the ice skates are glitter-glue. She tried sequined fabric but it puckered too much and did not look right. |
The projects come in all different sizes and have different stories. There was a story behind the dragon (top, center panel of photo) but I forgot the story. |
This quilt is a tee-shirt quilt. The tee-shirts came from the quilter's daughter, and if I remember correctly, the tee-shirts came from concerts she attended while she and her husband were courting. |
This was Joyce's project. This is a poor photograph. I made the technical mistake of having a large, bright window in the background. The colors are more vivid in reality. Joyce is gregarious and can talk to anybody. |
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