Friday, June 7, 2019


Thanks for reading and thanks to the other bloggers who have given guidance. Particular thanks to Pawpaw and Old NFO.

My first blog post was written my first, full day of retirement, June 7, 2013.


  1. Congratulations on your Bloggiversary! Enjoying each and every post. Please be encouraged to continue. Many thanks!

  2. Congratulations on your Bloggiversary! Enjoying each and every post. Please be encouraged to continue. Many thanks!

  3. Congratulations on your Bloggiversary! Your day to day comments are interesting and your political and/or religious comments are generally spot on! Love Love Love your serialized stories ! Your Blog is for sure a daily read. Hope your health...and desires/wishes...have you blogging for many more years.

  4. Congratulations! I hope that you realize that your writing helps to make the world, at least the parts of it that your blog readers live in, a better place. Thank you!

  5. Congratulations! and thank you. You have become an enjoyable part of my morning coffee and reading ritual. May God bless you through your blogging.

  6. Congratulations and thanks ERJ. I stop by Kenny's place and then here, first thing, every morning. I appreciate the time and effort you put into this blog. And thanks to Mrs. ERJ for giving you the space to do this.

  7. Congrats and keep 'em coming! :-) You did it all on your own!

  8. Congratulations, ERJ. I have been reading your Seven Cows series every day and hope I can buy it in book form some day.

  9. Happy Bloggiversary and Hearty Congratulations, ERJ. You have an original approach and a very interesting blog, and I am with your many other readers in being part of an appreciative visitor. Thanks for your hard work and many happy returns!


Readers who are willing to comment make this a better blog. Civil dialog is a valuable thing.