Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Girls go to Chicago

Hercules.  Silent vigil waiting for Belladonna to come home.  I how all of the men in her life will be as loyal and as honorable.

It is spring break.

Mrs ERJ, Belladonna and Low Maintenance Jess leave for Chicago today.  I will stay in Eaton Rapids with Kubota, Smuggles, Herc and Zeus.

Verbs vs. Nouns

One of our parenting goals is to give our children as many experiences as possible.  That way, they will have more perspectives from which to view life challenges.  It is also our hope that having more perspectives will slow down the judgement mechanism.  It is very easy to define an elephant if you have only touched its tail.

One of those experiences we want our children to have is "The Big City".  More than that, we want them to experience a functional big city.  Toronto, Chicago, San Francisco type cities.  Unfortunately, Detroit no longer makes the cut.

We will drop the ladies off at the train station.  They will Amtrak into Chicago station and hail a taxi to their hotel.  Mrs ERJ chose a hotel that is within walking distance of the downtown attractions.  The plan is for them to spend two nights there and then Amtrak back.

Much walking. A little bit of culture.  A little bit of shopping.  A tiny bit of buying.  A few parks.  Some street culture. A lot of good eating.

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