Mr Green Jeans is off the road. He needs a new coil pack. The frame is cheesy. And the battery is dead.
But even as a lawn ornament he continues to make contributions to our gardening enterprise. It got down to 28 degrees F last night and it was windy.
Onion seedlings. The white glass in the top of the picture is a frosty windshield. The silvery material in the bottom of the picture is the sunshade I used in the summer. |
We had a little bit of snow last night. The wind also blew my high-tech garbage bag cold frame open. |
The willow cuttings seem OK. Rubykins on the left, Giant Pussy willow on the right. |
All tucked back in. Notice the venting on the end. |
The willow cuttings were pushing roots and buds after about ten days at 70 degrees. I had to pot them up and get them outside in sunlight.
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