Thursday, January 2, 2025

The odds of being attacked by a kangaroo are low, but never zero


The primary way they fight with each other is to grip their opponents head with their front legs, rear back on their tail and lash-out with their very strong, rear legs, attempting to disembowel their opponent.

Kangaroos have a gristle-plate below their rib-cage, much like a wild-boar's gristle plate in his shoulder area to help them survive this kind of attack.

Kangaroos take dogs into water and drown them.

A male Red Kangaroo can tip the scales at 200 pounds.


  1. By all according, kangaroos are assholes....

    1. You forgot to mention that they are vegans...although that might be redundant.

  2. I hope the DNR doesn't plant them here in the UP like they did those turkeys. ---ken

  3. Video clearly misses on several important topics, like choice of caliber, cleaning instructions, and recipe ideas.

  4. I thought that was a Texas jack rabbit.


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