Friday, January 3, 2025

Change my mind

Any government work that can be done from home can be done more cheaply from Bangalore or Bangkok or Bucharest.

Thanks to all of the selfless government workers for piloting the concept. Your transition to coding should not be that difficult.


  1. Which equals that many work visa's not needed

  2. In exchange for the elimination of HI-B visas. Having worked for the State once, I am willing to bet that 1vIndian can do the work of 8 government workers. The savings in Federal pensions alone . . .

  3. But what if you are a coder currently working for the government?

  4. Take-out Restaurants in Manhattan in response to minimum wage laws have installed computer screens instead of checkouts.
    The screen is a zoom-conference call to asia, where the person enters the order in the restaurant over the internet...
    There isn't anything in this world that government can't fuckup.

  5. If there are so many buildings in DC that are empty due to everyone working from home, why do we need to build a new FBI building? Let them move into FEMA or ATF buildings, they sure as H-E-double-hockey-sticks aren't using them.

  6. Coder? Didn't that used to be called 'key punch operator' in the early 1960's? That was the new hot career field opening up.


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