Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Art of the Deal...

Canada gets a slice of the great State of Washington from the Idaho line west to where it hits salt-water at 47.48 North.

Canada gets a streak of Oregon from Portland to Eugene west to the Pacific Ocean.

Canada gets several large California metropolitan areas: Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, Marin, Ventura, Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

The US will also throw in Cook County, Illinois, Hennipen County, Minnesota, Dane County, Wisconsin and Washtenaw and Wayne County Michigan.

In trade for the US getting

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario north of 45.00, Northwest Territories and Yukon.

Canada also agrees to take on the population pro-rata of the publicly issued debt of California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois.


  1. Works for me too, but they aren't dumb enough to fall for that. ---ken

  2. Great plan !!
    I would add (if we're still going to be going after Greenland) ,
    that we get all of the mainland section of Labrador, upper Quebec north of 53 degrees, and Nunavut--
    so that we have most all of the upper Atlantic/Arctic Ocean waterfront
    Then we have the "waterfront" that faces the Russian waterfront

  3. Take Ramsey County in MN as well, or you only get a piece of the "joy" that comes from the Twin Cities.

  4. Take the "9 County Metro Area" of Minnesota. That will definitely clear the air.

  5. No, just no. Not one square inch.
    If giving up our hard fought heritage is somehow a must I would rather nuke it along with the trash and use the radioactive desert as a 20,000 year buffer/monument. It’s the only way that this realm would know we’re serious. However, in exchange for our heartfelt gratitude and the promise that we would not revert to the overly aggressive rebel ingrates of the 1700 and 1800’s I would entertain a transfer of specific portions of the voter rolls in each of these locations to Canadian climes.


  6. As a western Canadian I’m still hoping for a tsunami that washes away the left coast cities of Vancouver and Victoria and unites the remaining like minded people with BC’s forests and mines with Alberta’s oil and cattle, and Saskatchewan’s grain and potash. Throw in Manitoba and you’d have the fine country of West Canada.

  7. That's a better idea than Canada becoming the 51st state. And it would be a kindness really, saving all those people who swore they'd move to Canada from having to actually move (moving is always a chore).

  8. Any part of Canada that does become a state will have to be a territory first, we have to dismantle the existing parliamentary government and create a republican three branch system in the provinces.

    1. And the voters are majority indoctrinated over. Everywhere, always, forevermore. Long live democracy! Le Roi cest la mort, vive la Roi!

  9. Now just a darn minute! Having been hatched and raised in IL for 20 years, then pastured in Dane County WI 20 years, then mostly-involuntarily herded back to IL, I object to moving to Canada without first locating a decent pub that serves Guiness on tap!
    Give Cook County to Haiti; it'll improve both of 'em.


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