Saturday, January 11, 2025

Cougar sighting near Eaton Rapids!!!

From the comments I believe that I have at least one reader in Alberta where this kind of problem is more common.

Any advice on how to handle these kinds of unwanted predators will be much appreciated.


  1. Avoid eye contact. Don't buy it drinks.

  2. Also, do not indicate interest in music from '70's or '80's.

  3. I've been hunting one for several years now! Forty years ago they were all over. Now? Not so much. Probaly a good thing though. Not sure I could rise to the occasion.

  4. No eye contact. If forced into conversation, makes sure the fetching Missus is mentioned and the term "very married" pops up occasionally. If cornered mention the "rash that recently cleared up for the first time in just ages...." My emergency out is farting loudly with somber eye contact. That is a personal call, though. That may attract some baser creatures more dangerous than the cat.

  5. She's on the hunt for a mounting lion

  6. Definitely looks dangerous! On a related note, My neighbor got a trail cam pic of a 75 pound BOBCAT. I called BS, he showed me. Now it's "Fuck! Oh dear!" I'm worried about my 100 lb German Shepherd/Malinois mix. My dog might win, but not without significant damage.

    1. I would guess that kind of BOBCAT doesn't go to LGBTQXYZ gatherings. Snort.

  7. Now that you are a rich and famous author, and work out regularly with weights, plus you own your own blog ..... You should have already been expecting this trouble.

  8. Danger Will Robinson. Danger.

  9. Skunks have no problem with them.

    Just saying…


  10. You'd need a big board to stretch that pelt.

  11. Tranny Alert!!!! Sorta looks like a dude, Crocodile Dundee check is "man"datory.

  12. Thanks for all of the advice.

    Being bull-headed, I will probably just ask her "Can I borrow $50 because my 9 kids are always borrowing money and never paying it back?"

    That should be enough to make me invisible to any cougar.

  13. I haven't had a cougar that young stalk me in a long time. I'd be flattered. ---ken

  14. Someone at the gym said the other day that the girl cutting his hair asked him what year his cougar is. He asked, “Do you mean my car or [my wife]?” I had to set the bar down on my chest in order to stop laughing.


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