Thursday, January 23, 2025

Ten characteristics of highly prepared people

  • Highly prepared people have a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C....
  • Highly prepared people are masters of their emotions, not slaves of them
  • Highly prepared people are able to think analytically even during stressful times
  • Highly prepared people carry basic-necessities with them...always
  • Highly prepared people can solve problems using ubiquitous resources
  • Highly prepared people live a skills-based life-style
  • Highly prepared people are physically active

  • Highly prepare people value items that have multiple uses
  • Highly prepared people abhor waste
  • Highly prepared people exhibit an exceptionally high degree of situational awareness 

Note, descriptions slightly modified to suit my tastes.


  1. Can't disagree with a single one of those!

  2. Replies
    1. And I would add, a prepared person is curious about all things.

  3. Very good summary.

    I keep being surprised how unobservant many people are.
    My sister in law tried to announce a pregnancy with a t shirt - in over a week, I was the only person who got it.

  4. Our problem here is we save bits and pieces, handles , parts, plus the usual wood, screws, jars, plastic bins, because they can be used for other purposes. My husband is a master of pulling bits from the junk pile to make what he needs, or repair a broken whatever.
    Southern NH

  5. ERJ, I would argue this a great list for any successful person in any field (with slight adjustments, of course).

  6. paracord! Tom from East Tennessee


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