Monday, January 6, 2025

Presented Without Comment Two-fer



  1. Everything s on the menu at some point.......

  2. When growing up we had a old neighbor lady. "Back in the 30s we et every kind of meat that was, an I mean every kind! Woody

  3. "Protein is protein, pilgrim".
    When overseas and eating mystery meat from street vendors, I didn't ask what it was. No problem.
    Came back to the States. Got food poisoning. Sigh.

  4. Now that I'm a soft hearted old coot anything that lives on my farm is not food and dies of old age. I didn't know that chickens could live that long. Even the deer get in line to be fed. Protein comes from the store. Just can't do it anymore. ---ken

    1. I know what you mean. I'll make a pet out of anything these days.

  5. I'd expect the rabbit to be right of the horse.
    Make a mistake with the rabbits is one thing. Entirely another when you mess up on a horse.
    Our hispanic employee raises cattle. Pulled into the barnyard one day to a dozen cars, around the corner to see them packing the offal to the manure pile. Poor cow didn't stand a chance before being distributed around the county. None of them have a chest freezer, so it has to go to everybody fridge freezers.

  6. My mother ate horse meat during WWII, it didn’t need a ration coupon and small farms were tending to switch to tractor power. In the arctic and on the Great Plains they tended to raise as many pups as possible when hunting was good and ate dog during starving times. Also read that some tribes like the Shahone raided pack rat nests during starving time! Meat’s meat!

  7. They have horse and rabbit reversed

  8. No love for ducks?


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