Tuesday, January 14, 2025


There are two defining characteristics of a cult:

One is that they ruthlessly punish people who formally renounce their membership. In religion, that act is called "Apostasy" which derives from the Greek word for "revolt" and "traitor".

A second defining characteristic is that cults "have all the answers" because they do not allow any questions. If you ask any questions, then you are guilty of Apostasy and will be punished.

Kurt Schlichter wrote this in a recent essay published on Town Hall:

The thing you must understand about the rich Californians who vote for Democrats – and not only vote for them but actively campaign for them and donate to them – is that this kind of leftism isn’t just a belief system. It’s their religion. Well, more accurately, it’s a substitute for religion.  

They’re not stupid in the sense that they don’t understand that the people they’re voting for are blithering idiots. It’s that human nature prevents them from accepting the fact that they’ve been wrong so that they can change. They are emotionally invested in the liberal project that they grew up in, and to vote against it now would require introspection and an admission that everything they believed in was baloney. Most of them can’t do that. Most of them won’t do that. And nothing’s going to change.

Sadly, there are many younger people who have been sucked-in by this cult. Like a pigeon flying in front of a jet-engine, they had almost no chance. They were in the wrong place (University) at the wrong time (an impressionable age). They see the five or six years of their adult life as "a long time" and are just as loath to let go of the lies as the pony-tailed, 72 year-old, Liberal living in California.


  1. Interesting observations. Reminds me of reading Clifford Stoll's book "The Cuckoo's Egg" about tracking down a hacker many years ago. He followed the journey from idealistic post-grad to finally accepting that there was a lot more nuances to the world than the simplistic left wing view.

  2. I was struck by this very conundrum when visiting college with my child. The depth and breadth of 'climate change' degrees will stagger you. . You can even add a climate-change degree angle to traditional ones if you like.
    Hundreds of people working at just this one university, training thousands of graduates annually, all in a false idea propagate by faked sensor readings by a handful of scientists.
    It will not be disloged by any amount of factual data or admissions of tampering at this point. Too much money and too many people have hung their life on this coat hook. Think of the industries that exist today, and employ millions, based on the narrative that they can actually fix this problem?
    And to make it all worse, they also believe it to be existential.
    Culling the herd IS the only option, as if there were an infection spreading like wildfire. Marxism is evil beyond most peoples comprehension.

  3. Culling the herd IS the only option, as if there were an infection spreading like wildfire.

    Oddly I've seen this story before in many scenarios. Pol Pot said it; Stalin said it and now it's a "reasonable comment" here.

    And who pray tell has the wisdom of Soloman to divide the tares from the wheat here?

    Marxism like all ism's is about a few overlords controlling their useful idiots and thus the world.

    So why do we see usefulness in killing off useful idiots.

    SNIP A useful idiot or useful fool is a pejorative description of a person, suggesting that the person thinks they are fighting for a cause without fully comprehending the consequences of their actions, and who does not realize they are being manipulated by the cause's leaders or by other political players

    HINT, they are SOMEBODYS Kids buddy. They are not going to sit there with folded hands and say "how nice" when you CULL THEM.

    1. Did you sit quietly and say "how nice" when you lined up for your not-a-vaxx and booster regime?
      Same, same. We're at war. If you do not grok that, you are part of the problem.

    2. Even in war, not every problem needs a maximum response.

      Since I am more at home in the industrial, private sector I will use an example from there.

      What do you suppose would happen if Corporate HR sent out a memo reading something like:

      "Don't bring us issues until you have documented what you did to follow chain-of-command and attempt to resolve the issue at the lowest possible level BEFORE involving HR.

      Involving HR is evidence of your inability to resolve issues and to get along with people.

      If you still feel compelled to go over people's heads and come directly to us, then you will be removed from consideration for promotions for a period of X years.

      If your allegations are proven to be false, we will invoke the company rule that filing false documentation is grounds for separation without pension or benefits."

      It is not a big thing at one level. It is a restatement of policies that I assume are still on the books.

      At another level, instead of being rewarded for casually dropping "...ism" allegations to punish other's behaviors those allegations will elicit a negative response if the person does not follow procedures that offer the accused due-process.

      On the other hand, if they DO follow the policies and document, document, document...parties who are offending company policies will be swiftly drop-kicked out of the company.

    3. Actually Anon I refused the vaxx and was unemployed by my hospital for about a year until they realized they NEEDED my skills and "made exceptions " so I'd return to work.

      An oddly quiet war sir. Only casualties on the non liberal side so far. We get doxxed and swatted and they have had the initiative.

      Michael because I'm anon again.

    4. Michael, it hasn't been a quiet war at all. It has been a one-sided war. For years, we have been at the stage where the left aggressively assaults anyone who doesn't bend the knee to its demands. The assaults are mental, cultural, and yes, physical. We are repeatedly lied to/gaslighted in a manner so brazen, so willful that we wonder if we're the problem. Our towns are burned, monuments destroyed, stores looted with the permission of leftist prosecutors and judges, knocked out and murdered with impunity, but when one brave man intervenes to stop a crazed, drug-addled career criminal, the White Knight is put on trial. And every single institution that helped produce morally strong and well-educated people has been intentionally targeted, sapped, and destroyed by the left.

      And until recently, people on the "right," who more accurately can be described as good, decent people with traditional values, have minded their own business. Tolerating the endless, incessant, unremitting (yes, the description bears repeating - they never sleep) attacks on everything this country was built on.

      From reading your past comments, I certainly don't get the sense that you are sitting on the left side of the chamber. But it is a tactic of the left to equate a desire to inflict personal consequences on these evil people with the atrocities of Hitler or Pol Pot or any other number of communist scumsacks. They always accuse us of being what they are or doing what they do.

      One can "cull the herd" without physically harming anyone. These attacks on us and the country are done by real people in government, the judicial branch, NGOs, universities, media organizations, and other entities. These real people have names and biographies. For too long their identities have been buried. We need sunshine on the names of the people in this administration making the destructive decisions - it wasn't Biden. We need to know who in academia is destroying the minds of our utes. We need to know who in the judicial system is corrupt and owned by Soros and his ilk. When we know who they are, we then need to ensure they are removed from their positions and never get near a lever of power again. We must have long memories. No phony Zuckerberg conversions to get their influence back.

      The process has started. But look how bad things had to get before the Herculean labor of cleaning these pieces of human excrement started. And I expect it's too little, too late. But even if it could be futile, we have to make them pay dearly for destroying this country, anyway.

    5. One can "cull the herd" without physically harming anyone.

      Yeah, Ok.

      Kind of kills the whole of your statement friend.

      There is an old saying in most sane cultures:

      If everybody cleaned the street in front of their house the town would be clean.

      Our Liberties are not being destroyed by anonymous people. so "SUNSHINE" on them isn't going to help.

      Theres a saying "It's not a recession when someone else loses their job, it's an EMERGENCY when I do".

      Facts are our Ox hasn't been gored YET.

      I suspect that the goring is about to kick off. But frankly I thought that off and on for almost a decade, so what do I know?

      I've posted in several places in the past few months that I suspect Trump and MAGA is getting set up to be the Scapegoat for the Greater Depression 2.0 (sometimes called the Great Taking) and America's Bankruptcy.

      Look at how they set up Hoover by sending a NOBODY Democrat named Smith to run against him and even campaigned FOR Hoover in the media.

      Like the Nobody Harris word salad. WHAT HAPPEND to Bidens EXTRA 18 million votes?

      Democrats and the deep state (but I repeat myself) can think long term and got FDR for the "Fair Deal" and so on for 4 TERMS and Congress had to pass laws to allow it.

      Protect your family. Most of what passes for Patriot noise is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as it sinks.

  4. "It’s that human nature prevents them from accepting the fact that they’ve been wrong so that they can change."

    That is pretty much any modern human, no matter where they are from or the culture in which they matured.

  5. Hyperbole aside, this seems to apply to the right / current republican party as well - why don't I ever see mention of that here?

    1. I think the differance is the left being bent on compliance with their notions by others. The right could be charaterized as "leave me alone, I can figure it out". "If I need to ask a buddy, I will." Don't confuse the showmen that are making a buck from beating a drum with the rank and file. I do appreciate the information they provide but I test it. Example is I test Joe's information coming from a block away from the north pole against the reality of agricultural zone 8. Roger

    2. It is my perception that Mainstream Media continuously carpet bombed that point for the last 5 years and several of those allegations proved false.

      I don't think there is anything I can add to what the Mainstream Media has done in that regard. And they get paid way more than I do.

      I have a niche and it is not parroting Rachel Maddow or the strident women on The View.

  6. "Science" has become a religious cult, also. Don't think so? Try questioning the science (which is what true science is) and see what happens to your career.

    1. That's the difference between "The Science" (as exemplified by the climate change cult) and the kind of real science that I did as an analytical chemist, where you took real note of your results because the integrity of the bulk pharmaceuticals that the company made could kill if we got it wrong.

  7. They started the cull with poison vaxxes, engineered diseases, GMO food, chem trails, etc., decades ago. It's baked in at this point. We DIDN'T voat our way out, we picked, what looks like, the lesser evil. Depending on (((Their))) priorities, I think, we're going to see escalating "emergencies", of whatever ilk, THIS year (month?). Was 1-1-25 the kick off? Maybe...

  8. About the only meaningful difference between leftists and Islam is that leftists don't murder people for apostasy. Not that some of them wouldn't if they could get away with it.


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