The Netherlands (Holland). |
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If there ever was a time for water-cannons... I wonder if those are available as a factory-installed option |
Michigan's Democrat controlled legislature and Executive branch passed several new firearms laws making it more difficult to purchase, give-to-family-members and to activate firearms during an emergency. Those laws went into effect February 13, 2024.
As a person living in a rural area, the "activate during an emergency" causes me some heartburn.
I live in Eaton County, Michigan. It is approximately 600 square miles and has a population of approximately 100k. One-third of the population lives in the extreme northeast, 36 square-miles adjacent to the city of Lansing. They get 24-hour coverage from the Eaton County Sheriff's department due to a contract they signed with Delta Township. The remaining 570 square-miles of Eaton County and two-thirds of the population gets zero coverage from the Eaton County Sheriff's department between midnight and 6:00 AM. They do not have the resources.
Maybe calling 9-1-1 is a viable option for urban people but even in a city sometimes 9-1-1 just isn't going to be quick enough. Consider how many news articles you have read of a woman who broke-up with her boyfriend and he got drunk with his buddies. Then he visited her house and kicked in her door. Time enough for 1911 but not enough time for 9-1-1.
Under the new laws, Michigan firearm must be unloaded and "securely stored" and your ammo must be "securely stored" in a separate area when there is a minor on your property. As-of February 17 a locked-hardcase was not considered secure storage in the State of Michigan. The basis for my understanding is that the State of Michigan provided temporary amnesty from sales tax on "secure storage" devices for firearms and lockable hardcases are not on the list of "no sales tax" devices.
See, that;s where you are wrong....Water cannons are not the answer.
ReplyDeleteFire or lead is.
Act like animals, get treated like tham.
IMO, it would take only one demonstration to fully quell the rage-fueled "demonstrations by "Migrants" that keep happening.
Once they see that they will not be treated with kid-gloves then they will behave. Or, if not, well, either way they won't be a problem for the future.
If they cannot act as guests in someone's home should, then they should be regarded as invaders and treated as such.
You're not wrong B, you're not wrong....
DeleteThe problem lies with the legal system, as that nice marine in NYC found out.
As said elsewhere here today, a pocket revolver and quick exfil are probably really sound choices.
Not to be contrary, but bullies do not need to experience much push-back before it stops being fun for them and they stop doing it.
DeleteAt a minimum they get completely soaked with rancid water on a cold day.
At a maximum, they can suffer broken bones. Water cannons are nominally non-lethal but the booster pump can turn them into serious weapons.
The poop cannon that farmers use for spreading liquefied fertilizer would work better.
DeleteI would say in a "emergency" the states firearm laws are not to be followed.
ReplyDeleteThat said,in "emergency" the 3S rule shall be followed!
And don't forget to police your brass. Littering is awful.
ReplyDeleteI have become rather enamored with my 686 for that, among other reasons.
DeleteRevolvers don't eject casings every shot.
Indeed. Given that I have the blood of the Scotsman in my veins, and that brass is re-loadable, I am well motivated to do just that.
DeleteReturning to the main topic, just one more reason wife and I escaped kalifornia for Texas. I was an FFL in what used to be California. Decades ago, TPTB there decided that FFL's should be legally responsible for their patrons assumed ignorance of the law. FFL's were required to post signage as shown at the link. (RK Enterprises are good folks. I used them more than once.)
Sympathy riots in CharlotteNC last night, too.
ReplyDeleteYou got my eMail Joe, they allow private party cash purchases in copperhead cove dontchaknow?
Michigan is becoming like Canada with its inane gun laws. Don't be like Canada.
ReplyDeleteRE: the "fire and lead" response; worthwhile, and we'll be there sooner than we think, but in the meantime, adding about 10-15% of very coarse beach sand to those water streams - assuming they can be depressed enough for dismounts - would provide An Interesting Experience.
ReplyDeleteSand will very quickly erode the pumps to uselessness. If you could figure a way to inject it downstream of the pump, that might be viable.
DeleteCheck out how a water jet cutter works. A drilled sapphire is used to create the jet of water which is directed into a tubular tungsten carbide tube which is the nozzle. However, both are mounted at either end of a tube which has another tube at right angle to the water stream and the venturi effect sucks in olivine (usually) sand. It is the olivine which acts as the cutting element. Water will cut but very slowly in comparison.
DeleteMy option would be a FN MAG with a 500 round belt.
Laws all made by legislators with 24 hours security and easy access to protection. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteI had not thought about the nature of revolvers not ejecting brass. Interesting.
The alternative, is to keep a handful of range-brass in your pocket of the same caliber and scatter it in the same area for the forensic guys to have fun with.
DeleteShell casings can carry fingerprints, hair, and other stuff for the boys in the back room to work with. Don't make their job easier. Leave no trace, like the boyscouts say!
There is a point were you just start ignoring the BS that comes out of your local, state or federal legislators.
ReplyDeleteA meme states the greatest pleasure of adulthood is saying.
"Yea, I don't think I am going to do that."
I'm at that stage where there are no minors in my household. But I do have 4 alert German Shepherds and at last count, roughly a dozen unsecured loaded weapons in various rooms in the house. And a long driveway with motion sensor alarms. Bring it on. It will make my retirement a lot more active and interesting.
ReplyDeleteSo the storage requirement is for "unattended weapons". Simple solution to that is to carry on person, at all times. With no children in the house, I doubt anyone would notice your pistol on the nightstand at night. We are occasionally visited by a toddler, so I'm shopping for a fingerprint-activated bedside safe.
ReplyDeleteSweden??!! What is going on in Sweden?
ReplyDeleteHere at My house the well has Hard water. Can't even get close to that level of Gallons per minute, but the water is Hard.. High lead content.
ReplyDeleteMichigan will be like CA, or ILL or California, like the other person mentioned. And good people will not be able to vote the communists out of office. Drop boxes and mail in voting was installed in the Michigan constitution.
ReplyDeleteIt was such a nice state, sadly no more.
I have trouble conceiving anybody but a mind controlled, state, robot/slave, would comply with such unconstitutional, anti common sense, anti survival, regulations. Any unconstitutional rule or regulation POSING as law is null and void at the point of it's enactment, even if it's funded and enforced as law. The Supreme Court does not have final say, We the People do.
ReplyDeleteIf memory serves, NY passed a law requiring their subjects to register all of their semi-automatic weapons. Compliance rate was estimated to be about 4%.
DeleteI grew up in MI - not too far from where you are. I don't live in MI anymore (not since Milliken) but family does; unfortunately on the western edges of that hell-hole to the E of you. Can't convince them to head out so I'll give family any firearm I choose and damn MI laws. "When seconds count, the police are minutes away". Politicians are even further out (need a scope for them).
ReplyDeleteTime to look at moving to America... Michigan is turning into Canada south... Re the water cannons, many years ago I was VFD and we actually used a water cannon to break up two different 'fights' between folks.
ReplyDeleteAt the weekend we had a group of three youths standing outside our factory in Bosnia chanting "we want work" (in English). We had an exernal inspector there so we got security to shift them so he could go home safely. I was not there that night, so I don't know where they were from, but you really don't expect that there.