Tuesday, February 13, 2024


"I found myself trapped in a loveless marriage..."

Or so the family member said after she filed for divorce.

"I found myself..." is totally passive and past-tense. It sounds as if dark forces were spawned in the remotest arms of the galaxy and conspired to travel at the speed-of-light and simultaneously ensnared her in impenetrable tangles of razor wire.

There was no warning? There were no clues? You didn't see it coming? You didn't participate or contribute to the condition in any way, shape or form? It was totally past all redemption before you became aware of the condition? No parts of it could be saved or were worth saving?

The word "trapped" is code for:

  • I am unhappy
  • I am in denial
  • I refuse to change, maybe because that would entail admitting that I have agency and am accountable
  • I am contemplating extraordinary action that cannot be justified under normal conditions

I hate to be a buzz-kill, but there is a 99.5% chance you will still be unhappy after taking that extraordinary action because you did not address the root of your problem, your unwillingness to face reality.

Let's look at the soon-to-be-divorced mother

Her husband was extremely involved with the boys. He took them to car races. He "wrenched" on cars with them. They went boating. He worked a lot of hours to pay for those activities.

She lived on the internet and on social media. She enjoyed arts-and-crafts. She went to garage sales. She worked her butt off to pay for her activities.

At no point did she say "Hey, I feel like we are drifting apart. Let's go on a date without the boys." or "Let's spend a weekend up-North, just you-and-me without the boys." Stress over money was an issue but at no point did she say "Hey, we gotta slow down because we are getting in over-our-heads." At no point did she say "Hey, I feel like our relationship is getting rocky, let's get counseling."

She met some guy on social-media and he looked like fun. Two weeks after filing for divorce, pictures of the two of them together started popping up on her "feed". That relationship lasted about three weeks.

"I am a man trapped in a woman's body..."

Is the word "trapped" still code for the following?

  • I am unhappy   (Check)
  • I am in denial   (Check)
  • I refuse to change, maybe because that would entail admitting that I have agency and am accountable   (Check)
  • I am contemplating extraordinary action that cannot be justified under normal conditions   (Checkmate)

"I am unhappy"

Of course you are unhappy. 5% of the US Gross Domestic Product is spent on advertising. The whole point of advertising is to make you unhappy and then point you at THE single product that promises to relieve your pain and make you happy.

Let me repeat, FIVE PERCENT of the economic activity in the Untied States is entirely focused on making you unhappy.

Your unhappiness is not because there is something inherently wrong or broken within you. You are unhappy because you invited the vampire inside your house. The five minutes between TV shows informs you that you have bad breath, are fat, wear the wrong color hat and are going to die without enough money to get buried.

If you want to be happy, kick that vampire's ass back out into the street. Unplug. At the very least be selective about what you let in through your TV, your computer screen and the "friends" who you socialize with.

While it is very hard to change ourselves and our inherent nature it is surprisingly easy to change our environment. If that sentence makes no sense to you, find a counselor.

You got into the situation that made you unhappy by making a series of decisions (albeit some were passive decisions). You can get yourself out. But you must make changes. You must admit it. You must own it. You must make changes. You gotta let go of bits-and-pieces of how you see yourself and how you present yourself to the outside world.

Yes, I know it is scary to let go of the idea that you are so important that the entire universe conspired to oppress you. Let go of that idea and grasp the idea that God loves you, has always loved you and always will love you.


  1. The number one causes of divorce is unmet expectations.
    The number one cause of unmet expectations is unrealistic

  2. My ex did the same. On the plus side, when she left, she took her problems with her. On the negative side, she won't even look at whether there are grounds for an annulment and she and the minor children who we share custody have stopped going to mass.

    1. Female solipsism knows no bounds, and can only be tempered by a strong, positive male influence in the form of a father or a husband.

    2. St. Monica prayed and suffered many years for the conversion of her husband and son. Sometimes things are "for worse". God will give you the grace to make it through this hardship, even if it is a white martyrdom.

  3. As a data point, is the woman who is divorcing on anti-depressants?

    1. Great question. If memory serves she was on Paroxetine but discontinued due to pre-ventricular contractions. I do not know if she switched to something else.

    2. A few weeks after my ex started on Prozac, she gave me the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" speech. Years later, I believe that Prozac affects oxytocin levels and is basically divorce in pill form.

  4. I'm finding more and more "interesting tidbits" that troubled people are often on anti-depressants and just now the TV is discussing the MANY SERIOUS SIDE effects of one new one in the MOST Pleasent Voiceover. Including suicidal thoughts and violent behaviors.

    In the OR we often discuss this issue as well as how powerful the Pharm companies are in our business and TV.

    Maybe SNIP Brave New World is a dystopian novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 was a primer on a Pharm
    totalitarian World?

    SNIP In totalitarianism, the media supports the ruler because it is obligated and presents a good picture to the public as they have no choice but to accept the ruler.

  5. Very astute observations. My brother's wife divorced him because the wife's friends convinced her that she would be better off without him. So she locked him outside their home, then discovered the bills covered by two now one was too expensive, as well as the outside house work. She moved out of their house - he moved in and worked his butt off to keep the household from going into foreclosure. After two years of that, she filed against him to sell the house for 50/50 split of sell. Got screwed again. $200,000 house on $100,000 1 acre property - total sale was $80,000 apiece

    But happiness achieved - nope. She is still bitter, while my brother has new found freedom to do his thing. Their kids are in contact with both so all is good there.

  6. https://nonvenipacem.org/2024/02/07/the-final-battle-between-the-lord-and-the-kingdom-of-satan-will-be-about-marriage-and-the-family/

  7. That's the same thing that my ex did to me. It's all about her. Interesting comment about antidepressants. I wonder if that's what did her in. Since she detonated our marriage, I've met a ton of dudes like me. Ditching your husband for whatever is behind door #2 at 50+ seems to be a thing. I attribute it into wannahavefunmenpausemiddleagecrazystellagetyergrooveon.

    When I was in the throws of the process, everyone I talked to about it, all our friends, said "Doesn't sound like something a devout catholic woman would do". It didn't and it wasn't. In order to justify leaving (a mortal sin) in her hamster wheel, she had to invent a monster...me.

    Nevertheless, vox day was right. - https://voxday.net/2023/06/23/a-word-to-the-fearful/ It's nine months later. I'm better off financially, I have a new woman that adores me.

    She's still bitter. She has her 80K pieces of silver, but what her problems were aren't fixed and won't be.

  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/

  9. https://www.amazon.com/Rational-Male-Rollo-Tomassi/dp/1492777862

  10. https://therationalmale.com/

  11. "Disillusionment has its basis in illusion" - John MacArthur (more or less)

    Our society spends a great deal of time and money convincing people they are unhappy and could be "better off" - and once those decisions are made, that same society is usually not there to clean up the mess left behind.

  12. I concur. Divorce after forty years of marriage is a weird place. And like TechieDude said, in order to justify the extraordinary action, she had to invent a monster. Spoiler: Hopefully she won't fantasize at a women's shelter fund raiser, get published in the local rag, and start a rumor mill / unknown caller threat that forces him to move out of his small town asap and warn church leadership about the incoming disinformation campaign. Yeah, small towns can be no fun atoll.


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