Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Grab bag

From Anonymous "Wait. Where is the story of the wedding?"

In this particular branch of the Danube Swabians, weddings are a proclamation before God and his people of your intention to live as husband-and-wife for the rest of your lives.

The D.S. also believe that God watches us all the time and we should always say "Yes" when we mean "Yes and "No" when we mean "No" and not embellish. The modern wedding comes across as "Well, I really mean it...this time... See, I brung witnesses even though I had to bribe them with a prime-rib dinner and an open bar."

And even though weddings are a happy time, extravagant celebrations are seen as being very self-centered "Look at me, look at me, look at me!!!!", much like wearing flashy or ostentatious clothing or taking pictures of yourself.


The kid I was cutting brush with yesterday came down with a case of the Johnny-trots today. He called and said that he was falling asleep on the toilet.

That seems to be one of the common forms of Covid in the strain that is prevalent locally. Probably a flip-of-the-coin that I get it. I spent 90 minutes in a vehicle with him.

Lovely. Absolutely lovely. And this too will pass. That which does not kill us makes for great blog posts.

Whitmer as Biden's VP?

Chlamydia Harris is a sea-anchor for the Biden campaign. Gavin Sputum adds nothing to the ticket, Biden would carry California as an embalmed corpse. Michigan is still considered a swing state.

Whitmer term-limits out in two years. Ironically, she might be a more solid choice for securing the "Black" vote. Her face has been compared to Michael Jackson's (singer) late-in-life face more than once.

If Biden strokes-out and does a face-plant en-route to ambient temperature, would the VP side of the ticket automatically ratchet up?

Thunder and lightning

We had a lightning storm roll through last night.

Zeus, our German Shepherd never used to be bothered by them. But then Hercules died and Zeus became the senior partner.

I slept part of the night on the couch. With great powers comes great responsibility.

After the storm-front passed through, I returned to my normal sleeping arrangements.

Mrs ERJ woke up later in the night. I must have left the gate to the basement open because that is where he was found.

Annual physical

I have my yearly physical tomorrow. I went in for blood work and had the result mailed to me so I would not go into the physical cold.

By some quirk, the lipids panel was missing from what was mailed to me.

All of the out-of-range items had explainable causes. I have a genetic condition where my bilirubin is high which explains my stylish yellow-green complexion. I also have slightly higher levels of some enzymes related to bone growth, undoubtedly due to my accident two years ago. And for some reason, my monocytes have been just a freckle above the normal range.

Of course, if I feel ill tomorrow, I will ask for a reschedule of my physical. I do not what to make the Old Curmudgeon sick. He is good people.

Roger is a genius

Roger is a reader who comments fairly frequently. He has been a carpenter for 40 years and lived/worked in the mid-Atlantic and on the West Coast.

Off-and-on he owned rental property. Disgusted by how long it took the legal system to boot bad tenants, he figured out a way to "encourage" bad tenants to find housing elsewhere.

He keeps the water-bill in his name. When the tenant starts trashing the house or giving him hard-luck stories instead of the full rental payment, he turns off the water.

Let's read between the lines. He might go to the Board of Water and Light and direct them to turn off the water. They might get to it in a week. The tenant might see them doing it and convince them to stop.

OR, maybe  Roger has a sillcock key and knows where the shut-off valve is. Sometimes it is part of the meter. At mom-and-dads, there was a bronze trap-door cast into the concrete of the sidewalk. Maybe Roger puts in his order to shut off the water and when the crew shows up...days...weeks later they find it is already shut-off.

You cannot do that with electricity (the other major utility) unless you are an electrician. But you don't need to be a plumber or pipefitter to turn a sillcock key.

Roger, you are a genius!!!!


  1. I'm baffled by this notion you cannot expell delinquent tenants? Maybe thats because I'm built like a linebacker and carry a Smith and Wesson, but still...?

  2. Roger is a smart guy. But the smartest way to deal with tenants is to get out of the business. The best two days of my life were when I got rid of my last rental and my ex-wife.--- ken

  3. If I am to marry it will be a covenant between God, myself, my bride. The state forbidden to enter.
    Witnesses will be preacher and God.

  4. Sounds like you need another dog. I have a 6 month old German Corso puppy I could donate. He has all his shots and the vet says he is very healthy at 84 pounds. She said he will get a little taller and a little longer in the next 5 months and then he will start to fill out.

    1. Thank-you for your incredibly generous offer.

      Mrs ERJ and I discussed this. Zeus is now 10 year old and probably has another two great years left in him...but you never know.

      Mrs ERJ expressed an interest in a gap between when Zeus leaves and we get his replacement.

      Mrs ERJ sees that as a window to do things like "travel". And while I view travel in the same light that I view recreational-dental-procedures, I would enjoy tagging along with her to Texas and a (very) few other places.

      One day at a time.

  5. After reading an earlier post, I too considered Roger to worthy of great acclaim.
    The city near here will turn off water service in as little as one missed payment. That is rare as usually it is two successive missed payments. Probably habitually late payers get the one missed and service is cut off.

    I have learned that us not confined to just that city. Or municipalities have similar arrangements.
    Additionally, a lock is installed in the valve. Lock removed with arrears cured plus two payments in advance. Removal of the lock warrants crominal prosecution.

    Count another advantage to being on well water.

  6. Wish I could take credit. That was some landlord during covid that could not pay the water bill because tennants were not paying rent. After the city turned off water for not paying the tennants found a way. He was the genius. I just attempt to immulate geniuses ... like ER Joe. Roger

    1. If I have any genius it is like yours. I steal only from the very best sources.

    2. It is the only way but let me add it is mostly illegal everywhere to shut of a tennants water yourself. Roger

    3. Roger, keep sharing the genius. Not that I am looking to have a rental per se in the future, but it is useful to have this sort of information.

      An unpaying/destructive tenant is the biggest impediment to me performing any sort of rental in the not too distant future.

  7. 'Danube Swabians'. Curious about the origins of this bunch. I was on the Danube this year, starting in Vienna and going to Nuremburg. We went through a good bit of Bavaria in the process. If you didn't know you were in Germany, you might think you were in rural America. Big tractors pull Ag trailers on the country roads just like here, sometimes with little kids riding in the cab with pops. Germany doesn't quite know what to do with Bavaria, its the biggest, most powerful state and it frequently tells the German government to shove it, ignoring its instructions. Sounds like the Swabians homeland a little? The other thing that occurs to me, Jan Hus - a church reformer from the 1300s across the Danube in Czech land, Bohemian. He pre-dated Martin Luther by a century and was executed as heretic. There are followers of Hus still, here in Texas, mostly Czech and German 3rd generation immigrants. Some of them have gone back to the old country to shop for brides.
    Central Texas still has a strong heritage of Czech and German people. I've come across old-timers that learned German first, and still have strong accents. There was a wave of them in the 1870s up through the early years post 1900, in Texas. - Aggie

  8. What's to keep a squatter with a little motivation from obtaining the necessary tool and simply turning the water back on. I've yet to see access to a water meter/shut off valve protected by anything that actually locks. The issue of what to do about deadbeats who won't pay rent is becoming a major problem for property owners. And that is part of the lefts plan. They don't want private party landlords. They want to drive them out of business. Easy way to do that is to make it impossible to collect the rent and make the laws favor the squatter. Nothing happens by accident.

  9. I'm sure there are legalities but why would shutting off a service your are paying for be illegal ? You are the person paying for that service. The renter is not paying so should have no say in that provided service. The renter can bring in their own water, hauling it from wherever they can.


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