Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Presented without comment

From Patrice Lewis's Rural Revolution  Source


  1. An old friend recently became accidentally pregnant. She had been waffling for a while, and her husband was waffling on the topic as well. They got an early fetal viability ultrasound to check for any health concerns and as soon as she saw the baby on the monitor she instantly knew it was right.

    It's the cheesiest possible story, and because I've mellowed some I managed to resist the urge to ask if her beliefs on abortion had shifted any in that moment...

    1. I wonder if the software that extracted and conditioned the data to drive the 3D printer is commercially available.

      I know a Pregnancy Center that would LOVE to be able to send mother's home with a 3D representation of their baby's face.

    2. ERJ - I am no expert, but I bet the software is available somewhere. Given the proliferation of such things, I cannot believe otherwise.


      I'll keep looking for other options. I'm going to be retiring soon and have a 3D printer, this may be another hobby project.

    4. Thank-you Chaplain Tim!!!

  2. Beautiful, in more ways than one!

  3. I remember that day with the first one. It was as if I were not alive before I held my new daughter. The second go round invovled twins. My reaction was a mix between admirating for my wife's courage at refusing a "C Section" and wondering "What do I do now!" They are sixteen and I still wonder... Roger


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