Monday, October 9, 2023

Index for the 52 Short-Story Challenge

The 52 Short-Story Challenge is to write 52 short stories in a year. Length is not specified nor is content.

  1. Short story for lack of redeeming content August 7, 2023
  2. Camotan, Guatemala August 14
  3. Your place or mine? August 21 
  4. Boiling Frogs August 28
  5. Malicious Compliance? September 4
  6. Oak Galls September 11
  7. Burnt Toast September 18
  8. Listen to the Blue Jays September 19
  9. Disappearing September 25
  10. Trucks of a Feather Flock Together October 2
  11. The fish gets the worm...and then the hook October 3


  1. Please don't use the 52 SS Challenge as a straight-jacket, forcing you to write something, anything, just to make the week's contribution. I'm really enjoying your offerings, and look forward to many more. But if you aren't struck by inspiration, that's OK with me, too - I have no doubt that there will be something to balance it out in the future.

  2. Muscles atrophy if you don't use em. I'm sharp as a marble these days!

  3. ERJ, I like the discipline periodic stories impose. I will also say that having done National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) in Novembers really helped me as well.


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