Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Fine Art Tuesday


I started Fine Art Tuesday out of respect for Remus (believed to be deceased) who was the author of The Woodpile Report.

It seems fitting to have a Fine Art Tuesday post displaying woodpiles. Mundane circumstances cannot quench our beauty within.


  1. People turning a drudgery job into art :-).

    The coolest woodpile I visited had a hidden latch to open a door into the hidden man cave inside the wood pile.

    So getting sent to the woodpile wasn't so bad.

  2. Nice tribute to old Remus God rest his soul. Bob in B.R.

  3. Those are really a great work of art. Maybe my next year woodpile will merit a picture if I can get it done. --ken

  4. I like that. Mine are, as with so many things about me, utilitarian.

  5. Thanks ERJ. My woodpile is built on that of my father's. You can definitely tell the difference.

  6. Yes, I miss Remus' insights on the modern condition. Good of you to remember him, Joe.


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