Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Administrative notice

Blogging will be a little bit lighter until we get squared away on our bandwidth use.  I will still post daily but the posts will be skinnier and more to-the-point.  It may actually be better writing.

The red line is when Kubota was informed of the need to control bandwidth.
As you can see, we "blew up" on 9/3, 9/5 and 9/7.

My countermeasure is to unplug the modem when Kubota is home.

What changed?

Kubota is not a big talker so I asked his friend The Great Brain what was going on.  TGB told me that Kubota has a girl friend!  Furthermore, TGB said that she is a good person and is a grade ahead of Kubota. 

Kubota objected when I asked him about it.  He said, "She is not my girl friend.  We have not 'gone out.'"

Overall, I am pleased with this development.  Nothing is more motivating than the desire to appear mature and capable to members of the opposite sex.  Thinking back, I have noticed a greater emphasis on grooming and appearance.

Now, he needs to start working so he has a few dollars rattling around in his pocket.


  1. Instead of long distance minutes, its now Gigs of data throughput. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  2. Tighter writing is better writing. I'm just sayin'.

    And good for Kubota.


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