Monday, October 16, 2023

Paraphrasing: You won't draft my daughter to fight foreign wars when the BIG war is being fought here

One of my readers who somehow found my "real" email address sent me this link in response to my recent post regarding re-instituting the draft.


Not safe for work unless you have headphones.


  1. If only he would tell us what he really thinks!

  2. It'd be Fine with me if that guy was my neighbor..

  3. Someday soon everyone left in your county may think that way.

    1. We're so gaslit, everyone left in our country likely *does* think that way now. They just censor, propagandize, and prevaricate to make you think you're a minority.

      The communists who took over Russia, like the communists taking over the states, were a tiny minority who gaslit the public into thinking they were an unopposable majority. ( the word Bolshevik, means majority)

      It's all fake. It's all lies. Fuck them all to hell. With a rusty chainsaw. Sideways. When they come, it is your *duty* to make it cost them *more* than you're worth.

  4. He is not going to get invited to the 'right' parties for sure.


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