Friday, July 19, 2024

Where some of the bloggers on my blogroll live


Approximate locations of bloggers on my blogroll. The graphics tool I used is not very precise. The icon jumps around in large increments so the actual location MIGHT be fifty miles from where the icon suggests.

The colors imply that the two starbursts might be virtually on top of each other.

Some bloggers are very vague. One, for instance, could be located anywhere within 200 miles of a line stretching from Fargo-to-Dallas. Others identify only as "unnamed flyover state" which could be any one of 23 states. 

The most northern blogger whose location I have information about is B.W. Bandy in Alberta. The most western is probably C.W. Swanson. The most eastern is a toss-up between Feral Irishman and Old Sarge. Highest elevation is a toss-up between DrJim and Joel-the-Hermit. Most southern is JoNova in Oz while Mostly Cajun is the southernmost one in the US.



  1. Am I the yellow or orange one in northern Illinois?

  2. ERJ, did you make a recent change? For the past five days or so, I only see one post at a time. Previously, I would see multiple posts of multiple days on one screen.
    And your blog has become slow to load. Like, dial up slow.

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  3. I also was wondering if something on my end was wrong. Slow loading, only one article at a time.


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