Monday, July 15, 2024

Not about Trump

Trump Rally 3.5 seconds before Trump is shot The sound is a distraction. You will see more if you mute the video.

Blogger is still being difficult about posting images. I will post a picture if/when Blogger decides to stop channeling its inner feline nature.

What I want to call your attention to are the reactions of the individuals in the crowd. Some are MUCH quicker to react than others. Some dematerialized and became totally invisible in the blink-of-an-eye. Others were Captain Oblivious and remained sitting ducks.

For example, on the extreme left of the video there is a Black gentleman just to the left of the upper-left corner of the "Joe Biden You're Fired" sign. He is wearing the kind of hat favored by jazz-pianists. He is Captain Oblivious. Immediately to his right (left from our perspective) and you can see his shoulder in the seconds before Trump is shot is a large (300lb), Black man in a red shirt who becomes completely invisible in half-a-heartbeat. He just disappears. Gone!

Our 300-lb guy shows up again at the 6:58 mark about two rows below where he was standing and 3' to his right. A small, white hand reaches up from beneath him and grasps his upper arm. I suspect he tackled his wife and dragged her to safety and then acted as a human shield. Heroism. Nothing less that Grade-A heroism.

There were also two younger black women behind Trump's left side and they totally vaporize. You have to spool back a few minutes to see that they are there.

I speculate that because of their urban backgrounds, the Black people were quicker to recognize what might be happening than most of the White people and had vivid beliefs/memories about what could happen if they remained on-the-X. Three-of-the-four had a plan and executed it with vigor.

We should telling our kids and grandkids "I don't care if you think they are fire-crackers. Hit the deck and MOVE!!! Find something solid and get behind it. If you tear a hole in the knee of your slacks, I will buy you a newer, better pair...even if it was just fireworks."


  1. The vast majority of the population has never experienced the whir, tiny wind whip, and snap/crack of rounds going past them in close proximity.

    1. My youngest brother's best buddy from high school racked up a lot of debt in college. He took a job teaching in Detroit Public Schools because they offered the highest pay.

      Early in his first year, "Mike" asked his Kindergarten class to raise their hand if they had a family member or knew somebody who had been shot.

      Every. Single. Kid. Raised. Their. Hand.

      "Mike" didn't bother asking his class that question after that.

  2. ALWAYS have a plan. Where you gonna go, what you gonna shield behind. No matter where you are, no matter who you are with. Always.

    1. Amen!

      And I have to wonder if Mister Jazz Pianist might have enjoyed a spot-of-rum or some of the Devil's-Lettuce before not-avoiding-crowds. If you cannot avoid crowds, then best avoid substances that keep you from playing your best game.

  3. Another point: Look at the lady just behind Trump. She only sorta ducks down but takes the time to video the scene with her cell phone.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Some of us got a lot of learnin' to do. I missed a word.

  5. I was also interested in how some people crouched down but went into "scan" mode and were looking for threats - the guy right behind Trump in the boonie hat and dark tshirt is a good example.

  6. To quote Remus, avoid crowds.

  7. It is also interesting how the public's mindset has changed. When the Kennedys, King, and Reagan were shot, everyone believed the news stories in major papers and the TV. Now I don't know anyone except a few hard-core lefties who believe this was anything other than an operation of the corrupt Deep State.

  8. Contrarian above is correct. .GOV and MSM blew their credibility away with the covid debacle.

    Unfortunately 50% of the world is stupider than average, and every day I see new lows in stupidity.

    Core issue: we're delaying Darwin with advanced medicine, warning labels, and idiotic laws. Eventually, we will be knocked back as a species, because stupid cannot survive forever.

    We are also paying teens to have babies without daddies onsite, then allowing crappy schools to mis-educate children.

    this will get uglier and uglier...

    1. The guard-rails and air-bags and canned-programs mean that incompetent people who are chosen for externalities that do not contribute to performance can be wedged into mission-critical positions and the outcomes will still be mostly-OK.

      That is, they will be OK as long as the initial conditions and the challenges to the structure do not exceed the Phase-Zero, Bubble-up estimates.

      It is a very rare project where the "deliverables" do not bloat as the project moves through the pipeline. Failures are virtually guaranteed.

  9. I was interested in the reaction a few moments later as they took Trump from the stage. At least 3 people shot " the bird" I assume at the Press. At least one guy specifically pointed towards the main TV Camera area flipping them off. It was replayed on TV Hundreds of times and I missed it at least the first few...then I saw the one pointing towards the cameras...then more. I found it an interesting reaction.

  10. Many years ago I arrived at a restaurant for a dinner date. She was already seated and waved to me. As I walked over, she got up and moved to the other side of the booth. I asked her why she did that and she laughed. "Because you're just like my father. You always want to sit where you can watch the door and the cash register. And then you spend more time looking over there than looking at me."
    Kind of embarrassing to be busted by someone who you thought was just a pretty face.


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