Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Progressive just said the most puzzling thing

The Young Turks are proudly Progressive.

One of them said the must puzzling thing when talking about Trump surviving the shooting.

Video starting at the 2:35 mark

"...and in that case (if the shooter had not missed) we would have had massive uprisings in America and chaos"

"...we might anyway..."

"Yeah, yeah, I mean if the bullet went an inch the other way there might be riots in white areas of America. It might be something we have never seen before..."  (2:51-2:52)

Oh, the horror! Burn the inner-city. That is awesome, free-expression and all that. But don't shoot-up the white suburbs. Don't burn OUR apartment buildings or stores or gas stations.

Was he just having a Joe Biden moment?

Anybody can have an unfortunate choice of words spill out of their mouth.

But it sounded like his mindset, the uber-Progressive mindset, is that it is FINE if Blacks and inner-city dwellers and people living near the Mexican border are swimming in violence as long as well-healed donors to Progressive causes have safe-spaces...white spaces...to bunker down in.

Did he really just say that?

I wonder how long this video will stay up?


  1. They are think they are the Vanguard of the Proletariat before the revolution, proving their worth to join the Inner Party. They don't remember that said Vanguard was second up against the wall after their bosses in the true Inner Party took power.

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      GOOK LUCK——≻≻≻≻≻ ๐ฐ๐ฐ๐ฐ.๐ฉ๐š๐ฒ๐ฌ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•.๐œ๐จ๐ฆ

  2. I think that if the worst case had happened, the "protests" by patriots would be more subtle, and more effective.

  3. As of 2129Z, the video is up.
    I think the mention of white areas is not racist.
    Blacks, specifically urban, are known to commit crime to in inordinate extent.
    Whites, specifically suburban, specifically Trump supporters, are known to remain dispassionate.
    Their most threatening posture includes strongly worded warnings of some ill defined future event.

    The comment was an acknowledgement of that.

  4. "Well HEELED"

    But the thing is I don't ever see "riots" in the suburbs, Right wing people simply don't do that. They protest, but they don't burn down their neighborhoods nor loot their stores.

    They might trash the government offices, but only in retaliation if the government does something stupid. Really Really stupid.
    If right leaning folks decide to start a fight, it will be for a reason and it won't be random like inner city riots.

    White people (and largely, hispanics) simply don't need to have have "room to destroy" . It's a cultural thing with black people in the inner city. They do it more or less every 10 years.

    To equate right leaning whites to inner city blacks behavior wise is stupid. There is no comparison when it come to this.


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