Saturday, July 20, 2024

Vietnamese festival in Lansing

I joined Southern Belle and her family at the Vietnamese festival held at the St Andrew Dung-Lac church on Lansing's west side.

It is one of Southern Belle's priorities that Quicksilver be exposed to as many different cultures as possible. She claims that this is more difficult in Eaton Rapids than it was in Miami.

Food! There was LOTS of food. I like the skewered pork (similar recipe here although the pork was seasoned with lemon-grass rather than scallions) and the egg-rolls.

The jack-fruit was not my favorite.

They had prepared a thousand liters of Vietnamese soup. Yes, you heard right, they made a metric pho-ton.

On the blogging front

I tried a different computer and had the same issue.

I tried launching from Google Chrome browser and that did not make a difference.

I fiddled with cookie permissions giving Blogger unlimited access. No joy. Permissions were removed.

To be continued.


  1. Well, something changed. Getting more than one post per screen. PC, Win 10, Firefox. Also on mobile (iPhone 15, firefox) got multiple screens too. Interesting on mobile, I now have at bottom of posts a link "Web Version", click on it and I get the non-mobile, PC type screen. Also, I never suffered a slowdown. FWIW my ISP is Omnifiber, I've got glass to the desktop.
    Alan E.

  2. Love me some Vietnamese Cuisine! There were a few restaurants around this area for a while but they didn't prosper. I do miss them.

  3. I don't have any blogger problems with pics using FireFox.

    Of course Blogger deleting my entire A-G blogroll- twice!- sucked.

  4. Other cultures are demonstrably worse.
    If you expose a child to a different culture, aren't you picking and choosing what parts of that culture to expose, i.e. you'll talk about Spanish history, but not the torture and killing of beef stock? So aren't you just teaching the hypothetical child to apply their own bias and judgementalism to a culture which can only be really understood by being immersed in it's customs and language?
    ...asking for a friend...

    1. Shhhh... I think SBs got a liberal streak in her! LOL!
      If nothing else at least QS won't end up as a chicken nuggets mac and cheese kid.

  5. Soup measurement and word play... subtle, very subtle!


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