Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Random observation

One of the first signs of Alzheimer's is the loss of the sense of smell, often showing up a decade before the classic signs of forgetfulness. For whatever reason, the regions of the brain involved in translating signals from the nose into sensory data is the first region hammered by the plaque that is characteristic of Alzheimer's.

So why does Slow-Joe sniff people? Is he baffled by fact that he cannot smell their shampoo? Is he checking and re-checking, hoping that his sense of smell returned?


  1. In the same way most men like to smell their girlfriends’ or wives’ hair, I think Pedo Joe likes to smell little girls’ hair. Between grown adults romantically interested in each other, it’s sweet, affectionate, and bonding. Something about the vulnerability and intimacy occasioned by allowing someone that physically close, to smell and physically rub against you. Joe wants the same thing, but with little girls.

  2. Joe had two (2) surgeries to the brain to control and then to eradicate an aneurism. He is not suffering the declination of age. Joe is suffering the consequences cutting and lasering the brain.
    Brain damage known since mid 2000s. He was an illegal vice president and now an illegal president. Those who ran him both times know/knew this. He is compliant for all his evil deeds kept quiet and his obsessive desire to Rule. He is Evil, through and through.

    Nous Defions

  3. He only smells the hair of children. If he was suffering from Anosmia he'd be sniffing everything..Not just kids. He's a PEDOPHILE.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!


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