Sunday, July 28, 2024

Ammo availability

If you have a few extra dollars in your piggy-bank, you might consider purchasing some ammo.

Availability is pretty good. Prices aren't so bad. On sale, a brick of Armsco .22LR goes for $24.99 at Dunham's a local sporting goods chain store.

As we get closer to the election other shooters might panic and start buying. The shelves can empty in eight hours. We have seen it before.

Beat the rush. Buy now. Use cash.


  1. Also, magazines. Real hard to pull back the bolt, and thumb feed a single round in most semi-automatics.

    A Ruger 2 pack of 25 round magazines for the 10-22 makes it a pretty good Grandma home defense weapon, just saying.

  2. Cept in New York where you have to sign documentation just to buy ammo.

    1. Lolololol... I've been buying 22-shorts for an acquaintance of mine stuck in the Gulags known as Erie County! They're hens teeth down here, but absolute unobtanium up there. It feels so good to hand him a stack knowing it violates the state's unconstitutional laws!
      Speaking of hens teeth, primers. 10-cents each now, will be priceless soon. You can make blackpowder fairly easily, but tell me about your primer recipe?

  3. A wise suggestion. Prices are low right now as people are focused on tight budgets. At some point, probably soon,that will change.
    Also look at firearms that fit your needs - they are reasonable and widely available now. Some have rebates or extras such as sights or magazines right now.

    While it is nice to buy in cash, so many people buy with cards that your purchase will be a part of the ocean unless you do something to stand out.
    Some ammo and parts websites will hold orders for a mailed check as well.

    1. Jonathan, I assume you've never heard of computers?

      The devices that sort through every search you make and offer you from GOOGLE Services ADs for them?

      Snip your quote : While it is nice to buy in cash, so many people buy with cards that your purchase will be a part of the ocean unless you do something to stand out.

      Ah my credit card recently gave me an unasked-for breakdown of everything I bought by category.

      I forgot about the one time I bought some 12 gauge trap shells at Walmart almost 2 years ago.

      The internet never forgets.

      Checks work the same but are harder to review as they have been photographed into the system about three or more years ago.

      Buy with cash or expect that they do have a clue what you bought.

    2. I'm quite familiar with computers - the issue is that over 100 million people buy ammo or guns every year; that's a HUGE pool for business or government to pick you from.

      And only some stores give cars companies information on what is bought; many stores only give an amount - it depends on how the transaction is set up.

    3. The NSA Supercomputers enters the Chat.

  4. I buy a lot and then have the habit of shooting it.
    +1 on Dunham's, especially when the coupon is in effect.
    Ed B

  5. Already out of stock up north of Midland...

    1. I'm not surprised; that's the best price I've seen in years.


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