Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Growing food in a hostile climate


I stumbled across this video and found it interesting enough that I sent it to my friend "Billybob" in Arizona for a reality-check.

Billybob is shy and values his privacy so I will not reveal any more details about him except to say that he runs circles around me in gardening know-how and boot-on-the-ground effort.

He confirmed that unprotected seedlings are quickly consumed by all manner of hungry and thirsty critters. Most of his plants are under wire mesh. 

He also confirmed that the dirt found beneath Mesquite trees is primo stuff and rich in nitrogen.

The narrator is doing several "smart" things. Wind-breaks reduce evaporation losses and they have a "Conex" container on one side and the air-crete walls slowing wind-speed.

Billybob assumes that she has water to irrigate.

The lower plant density means there is more soil to use as a battery to store water. High plant densities are like very fast airplanes flying at very low altitude. It can work but any mistakes means a fire-ball and a funeral. Low density has much more forgiveness.

Billybob recommended this book. Of course, you don't have to order it from Amazon. It is available from many other sources.

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