Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Question of the Day

The question of the day is "If your spouse killed somebody, would you help them cover it up or would you turn them in?"

The leading response so far is "Sigh! Who is it THIS time?" by WJC.


  1. Would definitely matter who she killed!

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  2. Depends on who it was, like the book says, some animals are more equal than others.

  3. I would not be able to do either.

  4. I guess the prerequisite to that question would be whether or not I was still breathing...

  5. Ok, but I swear this is the last time...unless it's something serious.

  6. I would congratulate my spouse for rising from the grave, before resigning myself as her next victim.

  7. If my spouse killed someone, "He needed killing"

    1. I'm inclined to agree with you. I always told my kids "If your mom ever snaps and kills me, help her get away with it. I probably had it coming."

  8. I think I'd have to turn them in, with a few edge-cases where I'd consider inaction which could be seen as a form of "covering it up".
    That stuff gets messy, I feel like it'd be really hard to live with that, mainly because of the constant fear of being caught eventually.

    1. To the best of my knowledge, courts cannot compel a legally married spouse to testify against their spouse. You need to talk to a lawyer but I think the 5th covers you.

      Is it "covering up" if your universal response is "Talk to my attorney"?

      Why do you think Slick Willie and Felonious von Pantsuit are still married?

  9. Don’t own a back hoe so it would have to be the River!

  10. I heard it this way:
    This is how you sort people you know;
    When you call at three am and say "I killed a guy"; the fair weather friend says " why are you calling me?"
    The good friend says, "I know a good lawyer."
    The best friend says, "I'll warm up the backhoe."

  11. It would probably be me, so she is beyond my help. And with all the lawyers, cops, and judges she knows, she probably won't need my help.

  12. My wife is a non stop chatterer. There is nothing I could do to keep her out of jail. I realized a long time ago that if i had to pop someone, and it was the most righteous shoot ever, her verbal diarrhea would put me under the jail.

  13. Wait, my wife killed somebody and I am still ALIVE?

  14. One of the great comforts of being a heavy equipment operator is the knowledge that, if need be, I can have a body 20 feet under ground in less than 10 minutes.

  15. I trust her judgment. I'd help her cover it up.


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