Saturday, July 27, 2024

Curators of Hate and Blood-lust

Video Link on X

The pet Orcs need their ration of blood. Hence the tolerance for the Orcs' misbehavior. Feral animals have no loyalty. They wander off and do not come when their masters call if too long of a period goes by without their ration of flesh-and-blood.

Napoleon famously prescribed "A whiff of grape-shot" as the cure.


  1. I know it sounds like hyperbole... but I'm waiting for the day the leash is let off.

    1. As are many, many others...

    2. Does this really qualify as "Civil Dialogue"? Disgraceful rhetoric.

    3. LOL Gary, maybe you'd like to review the video above and write your "Civil Dialogue" for our edification?

      I'd kind of like to see your idea of Civil Dialogue. Maybe you could go to the next mostly peaceful protests (announced in the media in advance I notice) and apply some Civil Dialogue to those intent on damaging stuff and beating up people (police included).

    4. Initially, I interpreted "I'm waiting for the day the leash is let off" as anticipating taking violent action against folks like those in this video. I think (and hope) that instead, it means bracing for the possibility that the perpetrators of this vandalism might escalate to violence. If that's the case, then I apologize for my mistake!

    5. Words on the computer screen often lack the clues humans use to communicate.

      However, the old saying violence begats violence isn't without merit.

      I used to have a sign on my desk in the Operating Room.

      "Problems welcome, let's talk, but bring a solution."

  2. The video moves so fast, I cannot tell exactly where this is.

    It is still shameful though,

    The precedent was set when the BLM folks were allowed to tear down statues and get away with it.

    1. Those were from the pro-palestinian protests that took place in Mordor on the Potomac when Bibi was visiting and being applauded by his employees.

  3. Eventually all the throwing of matches will create a "Night Chicago Died" fire.

    Unless this is carefully curated Kabuki Theater full of noise and fury to entertain the people in Bread and Circuses?

    (And BTW keep the ferals paid and exercised until REALLY NEEDED as Roman Senators were wont to do)

    Distractions seem to occur as NEEDED to divert the people's anger at things like Trumps near assassination and the SUDDEN drop out of Potato Joe to the FULL PUBLIC Acclaim of Queen Harris.

    Eather way America's DEBT continues to rise at a bit over a Trillion Dollars every 80+ days per the GAO AND as Hemmingway said:

    “How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked.

    “Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”

    “What brought it on?”

    “Friends,” said Mike. “I had a lot of friends. False friends. Then I had creditors, too. Probably had more creditors than anybody in England.”

    If you think grocery's are rising in price NOW, wait until national bankruptcy occurs and EVERYTHING goes Weimar Germany Hyperinflation as throw MORE MONEY at the EBT Cards is all our CONgress (spelling intentional) buffoons know how to do.

    Not that throwing more gasoline on a fire ever helped...

    Gentlemen prepare to defend yourselves and your familys.

  4. You can delete this if ya want, Joe. I don't like it any more tan you do, but it needs to be said.

    It serves you right. America is arming Israel, and they are using those weapons on unarmed civilians in what is a genocide on par with any other in history. Don't be surprised when you start getting waves of terrorism and sabotage too. These guys are just getting started.

    Once upon a time, Americans would grab those shit skinned mongrels by the scruff of the neck, plunk them down at the negoitating table and MAKE those monkeys make some kind of peace.

    This is what comes of letting jews and their lobbyists dictate your foreign policies.

    1. Genocide? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. The peace-loving folks in Gaza are Arabs. Last I checked there were about 470 million other Arabs, nearly all Muslim, surrounding the speck of land called Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. Those 470 million Arabs want nothing to do with the terrorists dwelling in Gaza, whose favorite pastime is lobbing rockets like monkeys lob feces. If you want to explore genocide, please look into what Arab Muslims have done to Christians with impunity in recent decades.

    2. Ah Anon, try posting your screen name next time.

      So at least we know who were reading over the year.

      You seem to follow Stalin's comment:

      "A few dead is a crime, millions of dead is a statistic".

      Even if BOTH Sides are doing it, it's STILL Genocide, or do you prefer killing families, babies and so on for better "accuracy"?

    3. The Arabs in Gaza (there is no such thing as a "Palestinian" ) can stop this at any time, Glenn.

      They simply have to stop hiding, aiding, and abetting the folks who attack Israel. They need to drop a dime on the folks that are still holding hostages. Stop helping the attacks on Israel. Stop being a part of the problem.

      But they won't. They choose to be a part of the problem. And they are not innocent.
      Stop lying. Stop making stories up and tell the truth. Stop repeating the leftist propaganda and lies. You (and folks like you that repeat the lies) are a part of the problem.

    4. B aside from the ongoing conflict, what dog do we have in this fight?

      Seems the proverb about getting into a argument your not involved in is like grabbing a dog by the ears.

      What is your take when the dog bites your family in America with terrorism?

      No Saints in the Middle East.


  5. Sad to say the Anti-Defamation League does brag often how American Politicians that defy them don't get elected.

    It's cheaper to buy Congressmen and have them send expensive weapons (anti-drone actions and plenty of American bombs to support Israel anybody?) then to make them yourself.

    Waiting for the Support Israel at any cost crowd to show up in 3, 2, 1...

    Maybe we need to support America First?

  6. Follow the wisdom of St. LeMay of SAC : "When you've killed enough of them they quit fighting." Hamas is still fighting, therefore more need to be killed. Israel is not done yet.

    1. Not to mention LeMay and his boss McNamara were murderous psychopaths who killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of civilians.

  7. Winners of a war are seldom brought up for war Crimes.

    Nurenburg was for the losers as the winners did the same.

    Soon enough its going to be our turn. That's what the initial posting seem to be about.

  8. Not responding to any particular comment.

    It is a matter of time before refugees from central Asia decide that "now" is the right time to push to implement Sharia law. They are waiting for a "trigger" so they can claim "history made them do it".

    It is going to be our turn...when the music stops or the ball in the roulette wheel drops or when the chicken shits on the bingo-square. The proximate cause is not important. Being prepared and having the chops to know when the balloon REALLY went up is important.

    I don't know anybody in Armor who did not appreciate the data Israel gathered on Soviet anti-tank technology during their dust-ups with Syria and Egypt. Much cheaper for us to get that data from Israel than to get it at the Fulda Gap.

    Life and politics are messy. Simple answers are appealing but are often blind to the complexities of life.

    1. Thanks for this, Joe; great summary closing your second paragraph.
      Simple answers sometimes appeal because there are right and wrong sides; those supporting hamas are on the wrong one.
      Boat Guy

  9. Entering where wise men fear to tread ...
    Acknowledging that there is much evidence that those we identify as 'Jewish' have within their ranks many who wish to influence and even exert control over western civilization. In my limited interactions, my Jewish (Christian!) friends have not manifested any tyrannical tendencies. It seems however that our Jewish friends have incurred the animosity of the subset of humanity that embraces islam, and this subset also has a history of hostility towards Western civilization. There seems to be little evidence of change in this regard. My personal conclusion is that Civlization and islam are fundamentally incompatible, and I will choose to "root" for those at the tip of that spear.
    Here I stand ...
    A Little East of Paris

  10. This is why no one want's Palestinians:


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