Tuesday, September 5, 2023

"Has ERJ ever been tempted to grow the Devil's Lettuce?"

There may be lingering questions after the last short-story with regard to the ERJ position on growing "weed". Not that my opinion matters but sometimes folks like to have a glimpse at the thought processes that led a person to a given position.

While I gave consideration to the growing of the Devil's Lettuce I never grew any.

There were many reasons. The primary reason is that growing the stuff seems to attract a lot of attention from all of the wrong kinds of people. That is not baseless paranoia. Ask any retired, law-enforcement officer how often "drugs were involved" in the percentage of people who gets burgled, shot or assaulted. In the eyes of violent people Drugs = Money + Judgement impaired people + Drugs

Another consideration is that growing it outside is almost impossible to hide. For a while we had a lot of drones whizzing over the property on a weekly basis. Coincidence?

It is hard to keep a low profile (i.e. Gray Man) if you grow weed. The stuff is embarrassingly productive. A semi-proficient grower can produce a pound of "bud" in 25 square feet four times a year in a grow-room. If you are marketing it then a lot of people end up knowing about your operation. 

In the story, if Braden was growing 200 square feet of weed, then he was looking at 8 pounds or 128 ounces. The current price at the local dispensary is between $100 and $120 an ounce. That pencils out to $13k gross, retail for a three-month grow period. That is a lot of temptation and a lot of "customers" who might get ideas.

Another factor is that purchase/ownership/possession of a firearm while indulging in or carrying or "addicted to" Schedule One drugs is a Federal felony, even if you otherwise legally possess the firearm. Logically Cannabis could be dropped to a Schedule Two or Three status because Schedule One includes the language "...no legitimate medical use.." and weed is now commonly accepted as a legitimate drug for end-of-life pain/anxiety reduction.

I do not expect that happen because the people in power seem to like the ambiguity because it gives them the ability to charge different "classes" of people favorably or unfavorably based for arbitrary and capricious reasons. The LOVE the power to reward their minions and punish the others. One way to deny them that power is to not play the game. Don't go there.

So even though the idea is intriguing all of the arrows point in the direction of NO!

At least for Eaton Rapids Joe.


  1. A wise position.
    For me, additionally, it is a mind altering substance and I want to stay in control of my mind.

  2. I agree Joe. A beer is relaxing.enough for me. ---ken

  3. Gave up pot over 40 years ago. It wasted a lot of my time and money in the five years I used it. I decided that I would get a lot more out of life if I quit. I was right.

    I do ALMOST miss watching Monty Python and Dr. Who while stoned.

  4. As pointed out, it's easy... anyone can do it. So doing so puts you in direct competition with folks looking for the easy way... and lots of them.

    Few got rich mining gold. Many got rich selling t

  5. My late brother in law grew weed. He grew it supposedly for people with a medical marijuana card- I dont remember the details, but he got robbed repeatedly even had his guns stolen. It was more trouble than it was worth, for a while he was in fear for his life.

  6. Anything associated with drugs, especially growing weed, is like playing golf in the alligator pit - you're associating with the wrong crowd, and each one of them is stupid and hungry.

  7. There is also the matter of conscience. Mine would not be easy if I were to contribute deliberately in the destruction of human lives and our civilized society. A product whose only purpose is to disengage a person from his mind, that makes him weak, passive, and incoherent, such that he is unable to make his way in the world, is not something I would be proud to produce.

  8. ERJ, it has never interested me in the least. Too much risk (from many factors) with minimal reward - but a great way to attract attention from all the wrong people.

  9. It's called "dope" for a reason.................

  10. Back before legalization, there were lots of LEO helos going up and down the Champlain Valley in the summertime. They had cameras that ID'd the right shade/frequency of green. Apparently it's pretty unique.

    Knew a guy who grew, but was smart enough to do it on empty swampland (it needs lots of water) near Lake Champlain that either the state or someone else owned. And he knew if someone was staking out his grow and would walk away if necessary.

    Back when the Navy would forgive you for minor use prior to serving, I took an oath to not use it again. Same time I took my other service oath. And I've kept my oaths.

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