Sunday, August 27, 2023

The increase in the diagnosis of Autism and other Mental Illnesses


Graphic shamelessly stolen from the Feral Irishman. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the content.
Many people observed the increasing rate of autism and noticed the increased number of vaccinations given to children.  At one time, many/most vaccines were stabilized with mercury compounds and mercury is toxic to brain tissues. They put two-and-two together and arrived at a logical conclusion. The theory was that the additional mercury was causing the autism.

I want to offer another possible cause for the 65-fold increase in the rate of diagnosed Autism in the United States between 1980 and today. Not that I totally disagree with the vaccination hypothesis but because there are some issues with the stream-of-logic; for instance, mercury is not used like it was back-in-the-day so it is unlikely to be the causal agent.

The hypothesis that I offer is that the modern educational environment is so toxic, especially to boys who run afoul trying to conform to the Byzantine social norms. It does not help that some teachers and administrators are virulent feminists who see normal boys and their latent masculinity as pathological specimens who need to be "fixed".

A diagnosis of Autism give the boy a get-out-of-jail free and satisfies the virulent feminists. The boy does not get permanently expelled and gets future "accommodations" under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The feminists get their beliefs validated.

Similar themes play out in the work-place. Hostile Workplace Environment claims force workers into a defensive posture. Going to a Mental Health Professional and getting a "diagnosis" might be the only way to save one's job after a tiff with a Woke colleague. It is a bit like the defensive "castle move in chess" where the normal rules of how pieces move do not apply for one move.

I DO believe that there are more mental/emotional health issues out there because the command-and-control structure demands that workers deny reality and offer not viable way to address frictions. But the increase rate of diagnosis is driven more by the need for workers and students to defend themselves in the bath of vitriol and toxins that the Woke movement created.

Progressives will claim that the Woke movement does not create a toxic environment but fixes it. That is undoubtedly true for some people and some classes of people but it is done at the expense of others.

The old open-door, chain-of-command system required that good-faith efforts be made at the lower level before it was escalated. That meant that the two parties in conflict had an obligation to resolve the issue before invoking anybody else. The Woke process seems to involve immediately running to Human Resources and filing a complaint with the "aggressor" being hauled into a kangaroo court where he is whacked with a predetermined ruling.

Shortly before I left the work world, two people were conversing and a third person walked behind them. The third person heard a fragment of the conversation and filed a complaint with HR. The person who was speaking (a supervisor) was removed from her job and assigned to another production plant.

Just. Like. That.

I am thankful that I am no longer in the work environment. It became a nightmare where rules changed daily and the threat of termination hung over my head for even the most arbitrary or capricious of reasons without any regard of my productivity or economic contribution to the enterprise.

I doubt that I am the only person who felt that way.


  1. I totally agree. When we sold our business I let all three of my occupational licenses go. I want nothing more to do with it and don't want to make myself a target for any governmental gang.---ken

  2. The "Nations number one vaccine misinformation super spreader" Steven Kirsch has a statistical analysis of autism caused by vaccines that has 28 zeros between the decimal place and the first number (1.42e10-28) chance of happening by chance.
    SIDS had 34 zeros between the decimal and the first digit

    1. Ps: his site is the ultimate wake up call for vaccine facts.

      And depressing as heck that so many (self included) were and are hoodwinked.

    2. We are carefully going each recommended vaccine for our kids. Some we get, most we don't.
      These days, many are for minor survivable diseases and are ethically and medically questionable; why get them?

  3. Does anyone realize the exact correlation that the rates of mental retardation has gone down at the exact same rate autism has gone up?
    I do not believe the vaccine/autism connection. The reason people jumped so hard on that was because of the fraudulent study. The only study that showed a connection.
    I will be glad to change my position when facts are introduced.

  4. It's so nice to be reminded I'm neither making it all up, or the only one to see it. (I'm someone who would now be diagnosed as "on the spectrum" if I was still young, behaviour changes that coincidentally? began just after my childhood vaccinations, and only easing in my teens, and to be honest still with some effects even now at 50-mumble. But ... despite, or perhaps because of, that behaviour I spent 30+ years in a 'specialist' military unit where ... everyone was exactly like me - big, ugly, OCDish, obsessives who were "good with their hands". So many in fact that I came to realise that "normal" isn't, and is nothing other than a self-selected minority who claim to be the ideal).

    Another similar example is, of course, the exponential rise in the numbers of teens (especially girls) claiming to be trans (you just knew 'somebody' would say it).

    I personally know one girl, an intelligent, extreme introvert who didn't do all the 'girlie stuff', who liked to read sci-fi and fantasy who ... predictably, was violently bullied incessantly by her 'peers' until ... she first claimed to be gay, and now she's cosplaying being male she's literally untouchable - and that was/is the whole, and only, point.

    Her mother (who happens to, again predictably, have five kids from four different fathers and lives on welfare, so no fathers for any of them) is also a bit 'Munchausens' (having multiple surgeries for imagined ills) and encourages her because 'she' gets more attention, support and of course money as 'the mother of a trans'.

    Throw in the school who, again, get more support and money (as well as sweeping their duty-of-care to protect the kids, which they blatantly, deliberately, failed at) and ... you get the massive numbers we're seeing now.

    Reward behaviours (and/or punish normality - whatever that is) and ... you get more of them. Who'd have thunk it?

    1. your observations about trans are spot on. I have come to the same conclusions in some cases.

      remove God, destroy the family and we are a conquered people.

  5. I'd be interested to see how the definition of Autism and it's diagnosis criteria have changed over time.
    I know that the definition of other mental illnesses have been loosened and extended substantially in recent years.
    It would also be interesting to see if other now rare child/ youth illnesses share morbidity with Autism; maybe in the past children with Autism were more likely to die Young and not get diagnosed?
    I suspect there are multiple reasons for the rise in cases, some real and some manufactured...

  6. Liked the autism graft and would like to know the autism rate for 2nd world countries. Having had my kidlets in the '60s I notice an increase each decade. Overly fertilized, overly processed food that to be mothers were consuming during pregnancy? Vaccines? But how do we compare to other countries around the globe.

    In my field we were starting to see the first of complaining of small things. But we were bought and I did not want to go to the East Coast, But contract work was booming and being single I loved it. Sometime I got to be the boss and sometimes the worker bee. Had years where I was on plane 50 weeks a year. Did this for 19 years. Missed most of the BS going on in corporate.

  7. Or, better yet, how has the autism rate changed over time in countries where they don't have vaccination orgies for their children. On the mercury note, weren't the toxic mercury adjuvants replaced by slightly less toxic aluminum ones?

  8. Listened to NPR on the way home last night. A commentator remarked that something like 30% of the kids in her wealthy, high-achieving, high-IQ Connecticut reality bubble were diagnosed with some form of learning disability. Kid with "learning disabilities" get extra time on school tests. Such diagnoses are expensive in that area, but apparently they are worth it if little Muffy wants to go to a better college than Brown.

  9. ERJ, it really is that bad in the workplace. Even if nothing it officially "said", the overhanging sense of being at risk for any sort of comment remains. Theoretically I have less than a decade to go; we will see how long that actually works out to be.

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